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Enumerated Concepts


Based on the file in this project, please generate a list of the 200 most important concepts that the the students will need to master in this course. Each concept should be a short label that can be used to label a concept graph. Use title case for the labels. Return a number list of the 200 concepts concepts. Start with the most fundamental basic concepts and then proceed to the more complex concepts at the end of the list.

  1. Electricity
  2. Voltage
  3. Current
  4. Resistance
  5. Ground
  6. Power Source
  7. USB Power
  8. Five Volt Standard
  9. Direct Current
  10. Positive Terminal
  11. Negative Terminal
  12. Circuit
  13. Open Circuit
  14. Closed Circuit
  15. Short Circuit
  16. Conductor
  17. Insulator
  18. Semiconductor
  19. Wire
  20. Stranded Wire
  21. Solid Core Wire
  22. Wire Gauge
  23. Breadboard
  24. Power Rails
  25. Component Rows
  26. Breadboard Connections
  27. Jumper Wires
  28. Circuit Connections
  29. Power Distribution
  30. Circuit Protection
  31. Basic Safety
  32. Multimeter
  33. Voltage Measurement
  34. Current Measurement
  35. Resistance Measurement
  36. Continuity Testing
  37. LED
  38. LED Polarity
  39. Anode
  40. Cathode
  41. Forward Voltage
  42. Current Limiting
  43. Resistor
  44. Resistor Values
  45. Color Code
  46. Ohm's Law
  47. Series Circuit
  48. Parallel Circuit
  49. Voltage Drop
  50. Current Division
  51. Power Dissipation
  52. Heat Generation
  53. Component Ratings
  54. Push Button
  55. Momentary Switch
  56. Toggle Switch
  57. Switch States
  58. Pull-Up Resistor
  59. Pull-Down Resistor
  60. Switch Debouncing
  61. Potentiometer
  62. Variable Resistance
  63. Voltage Divider
  64. Analog Control
  65. Wiper Position
  66. Linear Taper
  67. Photoresistor
  68. Light Sensing
  69. Dark Detection
  70. Ambient Light
  71. Sensor Response
  72. Light Threshold
  73. DC Motor
  74. Motor Polarity
  75. Motor Speed
  76. Motor Torque
  77. Back EMF
  78. Motor Driver
  79. Transistor
  80. NPN Transistor
  81. PNP Transistor
  82. Base Current
  83. Collector Current
  84. Emitter Current
  85. Current Gain
  86. Saturation
  87. Cut-Off
  88. Active Region
  89. Switching Applications
  90. Amplification
  91. Load Current
  92. Base Resistance
  93. Collector Load
  94. Heat Sinking
  95. Shift Register
  96. Serial Input
  97. Parallel Output
  98. Clock Signal
  99. Data Signal
  100. Latch Enable
  101. Bit Pattern
  102. Data Transfer
  103. Binary Counter
  104. Display Driver
  105. 555 Timer
  106. Oscillator
  107. Astable Mode
  108. Monostable Mode
  109. Timing Capacitor
  110. Timing Resistor
  111. Duty Cycle
  112. Frequency Control
  113. Pulse Width
  114. Signal Generation
  115. Night Light Circuit
  116. Light Threshold
  117. Hysteresis
  118. Voltage Comparator
  119. Reference Voltage
  120. Feedback Loop
  121. Voltage Meter
  122. Display Driver
  123. Calibration
  124. Scale Factor
  125. Measurement Range
  126. Voltage Regulator
  127. Input Voltage
  128. Output Voltage
  129. Dropout Voltage
  130. Load Regulation
  131. Current Limit
  132. Buck Converter
  133. Switching Regulator
  134. Efficiency
  135. Heat Management
  136. Signal Generator
  137. Waveform Types
  138. Square Wave
  139. Triangle Wave
  140. Frequency Adjustment
  141. Amplitude Control
  142. Output Buffer
  143. Memory Cell
  144. Flip Flop
  145. Set State
  146. Reset State
  147. State Storage
  148. Binary Logic
  149. Logic Levels
  150. Circuit Simulation
  151. Virtual Testing
  152. Debugging
  153. Troubleshooting
  154. Power Budget
  155. Current Draw
  156. Battery Power
  157. Voltage Sag
  158. Load Testing
  159. Project Planning
  160. Component Selection
  161. Cost Optimization
  162. Parts Sourcing
  163. Circuit Layout
  164. Wire Management
  165. Signal Routing
  166. Noise Reduction
  167. Power Distribution
  168. Ground Distribution
  169. Testing Points
  170. Circuit Documentation
  171. Schematic Drawing
  172. Component Labels
  173. Wire Colors
  174. Safety Margins
  175. Environmental Factors
  176. Temperature Effects
  177. Humidity Effects
  178. Mechanical Stress
  179. Vibration Effects
  180. Project Enclosure
  181. Ventilation
  182. Access Points
  183. Cable Strain Relief
  184. User Interface
  185. Control Layout
  186. Visual Indicators
  187. Status Monitoring
  188. Power Indication
  189. Fault Detection
  190. Circuit Protection
  191. Reverse Polarity
  192. Overcurrent Protection
  193. Thermal Protection
  194. Surge Protection
  195. System Integration
  196. Module Interface
  197. Signal Compatibility
  198. Power Compatibility
  199. System Testing
  200. Performance Validation