Enumerated Concepts
Based on the course-description.md file in this project, please generate a list of the 200 most important concepts that the the students will need to master in this course. Each concept should be a short label that can be used to label a concept graph. Use title case for the labels. Return a number list of the 200 concepts concepts. Start with the most fundamental basic concepts and then proceed to the more complex concepts at the end of the list.
- Electricity
- Voltage
- Current
- Resistance
- Ground
- Power Source
- USB Power
- Five Volt Standard
- Direct Current
- Positive Terminal
- Negative Terminal
- Circuit
- Open Circuit
- Closed Circuit
- Short Circuit
- Conductor
- Insulator
- Semiconductor
- Wire
- Stranded Wire
- Solid Core Wire
- Wire Gauge
- Breadboard
- Power Rails
- Component Rows
- Breadboard Connections
- Jumper Wires
- Circuit Connections
- Power Distribution
- Circuit Protection
- Basic Safety
- Multimeter
- Voltage Measurement
- Current Measurement
- Resistance Measurement
- Continuity Testing
- LED Polarity
- Anode
- Cathode
- Forward Voltage
- Current Limiting
- Resistor
- Resistor Values
- Color Code
- Ohm's Law
- Series Circuit
- Parallel Circuit
- Voltage Drop
- Current Division
- Power Dissipation
- Heat Generation
- Component Ratings
- Push Button
- Momentary Switch
- Toggle Switch
- Switch States
- Pull-Up Resistor
- Pull-Down Resistor
- Switch Debouncing
- Potentiometer
- Variable Resistance
- Voltage Divider
- Analog Control
- Wiper Position
- Linear Taper
- Photoresistor
- Light Sensing
- Dark Detection
- Ambient Light
- Sensor Response
- Light Threshold
- DC Motor
- Motor Polarity
- Motor Speed
- Motor Torque
- Back EMF
- Motor Driver
- Transistor
- NPN Transistor
- PNP Transistor
- Base Current
- Collector Current
- Emitter Current
- Current Gain
- Saturation
- Cut-Off
- Active Region
- Switching Applications
- Amplification
- Load Current
- Base Resistance
- Collector Load
- Heat Sinking
- Shift Register
- Serial Input
- Parallel Output
- Clock Signal
- Data Signal
- Latch Enable
- Bit Pattern
- Data Transfer
- Binary Counter
- Display Driver
- 555 Timer
- Oscillator
- Astable Mode
- Monostable Mode
- Timing Capacitor
- Timing Resistor
- Duty Cycle
- Frequency Control
- Pulse Width
- Signal Generation
- Night Light Circuit
- Light Threshold
- Hysteresis
- Voltage Comparator
- Reference Voltage
- Feedback Loop
- Voltage Meter
- Display Driver
- Calibration
- Scale Factor
- Measurement Range
- Voltage Regulator
- Input Voltage
- Output Voltage
- Dropout Voltage
- Load Regulation
- Current Limit
- Buck Converter
- Switching Regulator
- Efficiency
- Heat Management
- Signal Generator
- Waveform Types
- Square Wave
- Triangle Wave
- Frequency Adjustment
- Amplitude Control
- Output Buffer
- Memory Cell
- Flip Flop
- Set State
- Reset State
- State Storage
- Binary Logic
- Logic Levels
- Circuit Simulation
- Virtual Testing
- Debugging
- Troubleshooting
- Power Budget
- Current Draw
- Battery Power
- Voltage Sag
- Load Testing
- Project Planning
- Component Selection
- Cost Optimization
- Parts Sourcing
- Circuit Layout
- Wire Management
- Signal Routing
- Noise Reduction
- Power Distribution
- Ground Distribution
- Testing Points
- Circuit Documentation
- Schematic Drawing
- Component Labels
- Wire Colors
- Safety Margins
- Environmental Factors
- Temperature Effects
- Humidity Effects
- Mechanical Stress
- Vibration Effects
- Project Enclosure
- Ventilation
- Access Points
- Cable Strain Relief
- User Interface
- Control Layout
- Visual Indicators
- Status Monitoring
- Power Indication
- Fault Detection
- Circuit Protection
- Reverse Polarity
- Overcurrent Protection
- Thermal Protection
- Surge Protection
- System Integration
- Module Interface
- Signal Compatibility
- Power Compatibility
- System Testing
- Performance Validation