Use this template for very simple circuits that have
just a few components. It includes a background
grid that can be removed after component placement.
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% template for a 5X5 grid layout
% Draw the background grid
\draw[gray, very thin] (0,0) grid (5,5);
% Draw the positive rail (red) at y=5
\draw[red] (0,5) -- (5,5) node[right]{$+5\,\mathrm{V}$};
% Draw the ground rail (black) at y=0
\draw[black] (0,0) -- (5,0) node[right]{GND};
% Ground rail symbol 1/2 way
\draw (3,0) node[ground]{};
% Place your components here
% ....
Standard 10x10 Template
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% template for a 5X5 grid layout
% Draw the background grid
\draw[gray, very thin] (0,0) grid (10,10);
% Draw the positive rail (red) at y=5
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (0,10) -- (10,10) node[right]{$+5\,\mathrm{V}$};
% Draw the ground rail (black) at y=0
% Draw the ground rail (black) at y=0
\draw[black,line width=1.5pt] (0,0) -- (10,0) node[right]{GND};
% draw the ground symbol 1/2 way
\draw (5,0) node[ground]{};