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12-Hour vs 24-Hour Formats

Methods for displaying time in either 12-hour (AM/PM) or 24-hour (military) format, including conversion between the two.

Example: Converting 13:00 to 1:00 PM and handling the AM/PM indicator.

3D Printing Clock and Watch Enclosures

A process of creating custom protective cases for watch components using additive manufacturing technology.

We will not cover these topics in this course. Our focus in this website is using clock and watch projects to teach computational thinking.


A technique for managing complexity by hiding unnecessary details while keeping essential features visible.

Example: Using a display_time() function that accepts hours and minutes without needing to know how individual LED segments are controlled.

Abstraction is one of the four key computational thinking topics we teach in this course.


A sensor that measures physical acceleration and orientation, useful for tilt-based display activation.

Example: Detecting when a user lifts their wrist to view the watch face.


A scheduled alert that triggers audio, visual, or vibration notifications at specific times.

Example: Setting multiple daily alarms using the RTC module.

Analog Clock Face

A traditional clock display using rotating hands to show time on a circular dial.

Example: Drawing hour and minute hands using math.sin() and math.cos() for position calculations.


The process of creating movement by rapidly updating display contents.

Example: Smoothly rotating second hands or creating blinking colons between hours and minutes.

Asynchronous Programming

A coding technique that allows multiple tasks to run concurrently without blocking each other.

Example: Using uasyncio to handle display updates while monitoring button presses.

Battery Backup

A power system that maintains time and settings when main power is disconnected.

Battery Drain Calculation

The process of measuring and estimating power consumption to determine battery life.

Example: Measuring current draw during different display update modes.

Battery Power

Portable electrical energy storage used to operate mobile timepieces.

Example: Calculating power consumption to estimate battery life.

Battery Tools

Instruments and methods for measuring power consumption and battery health.

Example: Using multimeters to measure current draw in different modes.


A technique for rapidly copying rectangular portions of memory to update displays efficiently.

Example: Using framebuffer operations to reduce screen flicker.


A reusable plastic board with holes and internal connections for prototyping electronic circuits without soldering.

Example: Connecting LED displays and buttons to the Pico W using jumper wires on a breadboard.

Button Debouncing

A technique to prevent false button readings caused by mechanical switch contacts bouncing when pressed or released.

Example: debounce_time = 100 in button configuration prevents multiple accidental triggers.

Button Input Handling

Software techniques for detecting and responding to button presses.

Example: Using interrupts and debouncing for reliable input detection.

Callback Function

A function passed as an argument to another function, which will be executed when a specific event occurs.

Example: button_mode_irq function that runs whenever the mode button is pressed.

Changing Fonts

The process of modifying text appearance by loading and applying different typefaces.

Example: Using the micropython-ufont library to load compact digital number styles.


Musical or tone sequences played at specific intervals or times.

Example: Playing Westminster quarter-hour chimes using PWM audio output.


A timepiece with both timekeeping and stopwatch capabilities.

Color Animations

Dynamic changes in display colors to create visual effects or indicate status.

Example: Gradually shifting background colors throughout the day.

Color Conversion

The process of transforming between different color representation systems.

Example: Converting RGB colors to 16-bit format for TFT displays.

Color Conversion & Palettes

Methods for transforming between different color representations and managing limited color sets.

Example: Converting RGB colors to display-specific formats and creating custom color themes.

Color Depth

The number of bits used to represent colors in a display.

Example: Using 16 bits per pixel to show 65,536 different colors.

Computational Thinking

A structured problem-solving approach that uses computer science principles to formulate solutions by breaking down complex tasks into logical, repeatable steps that can be understood by both humans and machines Example: Breaking down the task of making a peanut butter sandwich into discrete steps: "open jar", "grasp knife", "scoop peanut butter".

The main concepts of computational thinking are:


The process of breaking a complex problem into smaller, more manageable parts Example: Dividing a clock program into separate functions for displaying time, handling buttons, and managing alarms.

Pattern Recognition

The ability to identify similarities, trends, and regularities in data or problems Example: Noticing that both analog and digital clocks need similar time calculation functions despite different display methods.


Focusing on essential details while filtering out irrelevant information to create a generalized solution Example: Creating a display_time() function that works with any type of display by hiding the specific implementation details.

Algorithmic Thinking

Creating a set of ordered steps that will solve a problem or achieve a goal Example: Developing a sequence of steps to synchronize a clock with an internet time server.

These concepts work together:

  1. First, decompose the problem
  2. Look for patterns in the smaller pieces
  3. Abstract away unnecessary details
  4. Create step-by-step solutions with algorithms


The ability to handle multiple tasks or events simultaneously in a program.

Example: Updating the display while checking for button presses.


Programming statements that perform different actions based on whether a condition is true or false.

Example: Switching between 12-hour and 24-hour time formats.

Connecting Speakers

Methods for attaching and controlling audio output devices to create sound effects and alarms.

Example: Wiring a speaker to a PWM-capable GPIO pin for generating tones for an alarm clock.

Console Output

Text-based information displayed in the development environment for debugging.

Example: print("Current time:", hours, ":", minutes)

Cuckoo Clock

A timepiece that marks specific hours with sound and optional mechanical movement.

Example: Playing bird sounds and activating a servo at the top of each hour.

Custom Font

A specialized set of character designs loaded into memory for display purposes.

Example: Loading compact number fonts using the micropython-ufont library.

Custom Segment Display

A specialized arrangement of LED segments for showing numbers or characters.

Example: Creating unique digit patterns using individual LED segments.

Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)

An integrated circuit that transforms digital data into a continuous analog voltage. For example we can generate sound using a microcontroller to play an alarm sounds.

In our labs we use the MicroPython I2S (Inter-IC Sound) protocol for generating high-fidelity audio output.

For example we have a lab that generates a sine wave to create audible tones through a speaker.

Specifically our class uses the PCM5102A DAC Module to generate Sound.

Date and Calendar Display

Showing current date information including day of week, month, and year.

Example: Formatting and displaying full date alongside time information.

datetime Objects

Programming structures that store date and time information together.

Example: Converting between timestamp integers and datetime format.

Daylight Saving Time

A seasonal time adjustment typically involving a one-hour shift.

Example: Automatically adjusting clock time based on DST rules.

Deep Sleep

A low-power mode that disables most system functions to conserve energy.

Example: Entering sleep mode when the watch face isn't being viewed.

Digital Display

An electronic output device that shows numbers, letters, or symbols using discrete segments or pixels.

Example: Four-digit seven-segment LED display showing hours and minutes.

Display Driver

Software that controls how information is shown on a specific type of display.

Example: Using the ST7735 driver for TFT LCD screens.

Display Technology Comparison

Analysis of different screen types' advantages and limitations.

Example: Evaluating power consumption versus update speed for various displays.

Double Buffering

A technique using two memory areas to prepare the next frame while displaying the current one.

Example: Creating smooth animations without visible drawing operations.

Drawing Arcs

Creating curved lines as portions of circles on displays.

Example: Drawing round clock face elements and decorative features.

Drawing Circles

Creating perfect circular shapes on displays.

Example: Drawing clock face outlines and hour markers.

Drawing Ellipses

Creating oval shapes on displays.

Example: Designing stylized clock faces and decorative elements.

Drawing Hands

Creating moving indicators for hours, minutes, and seconds.

Example: Using line drawing functions to show analog time.

Drawing Libraries

Software collections that provide functions for creating visual elements.

Example: Using built-in graphics functions to draw clock hands and numbers.

Drawing Lines

Creating straight line segments on displays.

Example: Drawing clock hand indicators and markings.

Drawing Numbers

Displaying numerical values on screen.

Example: Showing digital time values and markers.

Drawing Pixels

Setting individual display points for custom graphics.

Example: Creating fine details in watch face designs.

Drawing Polygons

Creating shapes with multiple straight sides.

Example: Making custom hour markers and decorative elements.

Drawing Primitives

Basic shapes and elements used to create more complex visual displays.

Example: Using lines and arcs to create clock hands.

Drawing Rectangles

Creating four-sided shapes with right angles.

Example: Drawing display borders and menu backgrounds.

Drawing Text

Displaying characters and strings on screen.

Example: Showing time, date, and menu options.

Drawing Tick Marks

Creating small indicators around a clock face.

Example: Marking hours and minutes on an analog display.



A high-precision real-time clock (RTC) integrated circuit with temperature compensation for accurate timekeeping.

Example: Using the DS3231 to maintain time accuracy within seconds per month.

E-Paper Display

A low-power screen technology that maintains its image without constant power.

Example: Using partial updates to change only modified portions of the display.


A fixed point in time chosen as a reference for measuring or calculating elapsed time in a computer system or data structure.

Example: The Unix epoch begins at midnight UTC on January 1, 1970, while the NTP epoch begins at midnight UTC on January 1, 1900. The MicroPython epoch is often set to be January 1 2000. On the Raspberry Pi Pico the epoch is January 1st, 2021.

Error Handling and Recovery

Techniques for detecting and recovering from timing errors, power issues, or communication failures.

Example: Implementing watchdog timers and automatic resynchronization after power loss.#### Event Handler A function that responds to specific occurrences like button presses or timer updates.

Example: The button_mode_irq function handles mode button press events.

External RTC

A separate timekeeping chip that maintains accurate time independent of the main processor.

Example: Using a DS3231 module for precise timekeeping.

External Sensors

Additional hardware components that measure environmental conditions.

Example: Reading temperature and humidity for weather display.

Fast Redraw

Techniques for updating displays quickly to maintain smooth animation.

Example: Using hardware acceleration for screen updates.


A system for storing and organizing files on the microcontroller.

Example: Saving configuration settings and logs to internal storage.

Flicker Reduction

Methods to minimize visible display instability during updates.

Example: Using double buffering to prevent partial frame displays.


A region of memory that holds the complete contents of a display.

Example: Modifying pixel data before updating the screen.


Reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks.

Example: Creating a function to convert between 12-hour and 24-hour formats.

Generating Waveforms for Audio

Creating electrical signals for producing sounds and tones using digital-to-analog conversion or PWM.

Example: Synthesizing different frequencies for alarm sounds and hourly chimes.


A visual artifact where previous images remain partially visible on certain display types.

Example: Using display clearing techniques on e-paper screens.


General Purpose Input/Output connection on a microcontroller that can be programmed to send or receive electrical signals.

Example: Using GPIO pin 16 for the mode button: mode_pin = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)

Hardware Documentation

Technical specifications and usage instructions for electronic components.

Example: Consulting pinout diagrams for display connections.


A medium speed 4-wire communication protocol that allows multiple digital components to exchange data using just two wires plus power and ground.

I2C also has many different connectors that allow you to connect I2C components without the need for soldering.

I2C Sensors

Digital components that communicate using the I2C protocol to provide measurements.

Example: Reading temperature and humidity data for weather display.


The Inter-sound protocol we use to transmit sound data to components such as a Digital to Analog Converter.

Inter-IC Sound bus protocol is a synchronous serial protocol used to connect digital audio devices.

I2S is a communication protocol that allows multiple digital components to exchange data using just two wires plus power and ground.

MicroPython 1.21 has builtin support for the I2S bus.

Implementing Clock Themes

Creating customizable visual styles for clock displays, including colors, fonts, and layouts.

Example: Allowing users to switch between day/night themes or seasonal variations.

Incremental Drawing

Updating only the necessary portions of a display to improve efficiency.

Example: Refreshing only the seconds indicator rather than the full screen.


A signal that temporarily pauses normal program execution to handle important events.

Example: Responding immediately to button presses.


A text-based data format commonly used for exchanging information with web services.

Example: Parsing weather data from online APIs.

LED Clock Displays

A digital timepiece display using light-emitting diodes arranged in segments or matrices to show time information.

Example: Using a four-digit seven-segment LED display to show hours and minutes.

LED Matrix

An array of light-emitting diodes arranged in rows and columns that can display patterns, numbers, or text.


Collections of pre-written code that provide useful functions and features.

Example: Using the math module for trigonometric calculations.

LiPo Charging

The process of safely recharging Lithium Polymer batteries.

Example: Implementing USB charging circuits with protection features.

LiPo Charging Circuit

Electronic system for safely charging Lithium Polymer batteries while protecting against overcharge and overdischarge.

Example: Implementing USB charging with voltage regulation and protection features.

Loading Drivers

Installing and initializing software that controls specific hardware components.

Example: Importing and configuring TFT display drivers.

localtime() Function

A MicroPython function that returns the current time as a tuple of values.

Example: year, month, day, hour, minute, second = localtime()


The practice of recording program events and data for debugging or analysis.

Example: Saving timing discrepancies to investigate accuracy issues.

Logging Time Data to an SD Card

Recording timestamped information to external storage for debugging or data collection.

Example: Saving temperature readings with timestamps every hour.


Programming structures that repeat code blocks multiple times.

Example: Continuously updating the display every second.

Math Module

A collection of mathematical functions for complex calculations.

Example: Using trigonometry to position clock hands.

math.sin() and math.cos()

Trigonometric functions used for calculating positions on circular displays.

Example: Computing analog clock hand coordinates.

An interface allowing users to navigate options and settings.

Example: Creating hierarchical settings menus for watch configuration.

Hierarchical interface structures for configuring watch parameters and features.

Example: Creating nested menus for time, alarm, and display settings.


A streamlined version of Python programming language designed to run on microcontrollers and embedded systems.

MicroPython Drawing

Built-in functions for creating visual elements on displays.

Example: Using framebuf methods to draw shapes and text.

MicroPython network

A module providing Wi-Fi and network connectivity functions.

Example: Connecting to wireless networks for time synchronization.

MicroPython Syntax

The specific programming language rules and structure for MicroPython code.

Example: Using Python-style indentation for code blocks.

micropython-ufont Library

A specialized library for handling compact font rendering in MicroPython applications.

Example: Loading custom digit fonts optimized for small displays.


A programmable light-emitting diode that combines red, green, and blue elements in a single package with built-in control circuitry.

NeoPixel's strips only require three wires: GND, 5V and data. It makes creating clock display patterns very easy.

Example: Creating a ring of 12 individually addressable RGB LEDs to mark hour positions on a clock face.

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

A method for synchronizing time over the internet.

Example: Updating the RTC from online time servers.

OLED Display

A thin, bright display that uses organic light-emitting diodes to show text and graphics without a backlight.

Partial Refresh

Updating only changed portions of a display to improve efficiency.

Example: Refreshing only the seconds digits each update.

Partial Screen Updates

Techniques for refreshing only the changed portions of a display to improve efficiency and reduce flicker.

Example: Updating only the seconds digits while leaving hours and minutes static.


A feature that counts steps using motion sensor data.

Example: Calculating daily step counts from accelerometer readings.


An audio Digital to Analog chip we use in our clock projects.


A metal connector on electronic components that carries electrical signals or power.

Power Management

Techniques for minimizing and controlling energy consumption.

Example: Using sleep modes and efficient display updates.

Power Monitoring

Methods for measuring and tracking power consumption in battery-operated devices.

Example: Logging battery voltage and current draw to optimize device lifetime.

Project-Based Learning

A teaching methodology in which students actively engage in exploring real-world problems and challenges through extended inquiry, collaboration, and the creation of tangible products or presentations.

Project-Based Learning (PBL) emphasizes student-centered learning, critical thinking, and application of knowledge in authentic contexts. We focus on what topics are most interesting to students and what they are curious about. By doing PBL students also learn soft-skills needed to work in teams.

Example: A high school coding class implements project-based learning by having students design and build a wall clock that adjusts the time using WiFi. They do this by applying principles of microcontrollers, displays and wireless. Students research, prototype, test, and refine their designs before presenting their findings to the class.

Pull-up Resistor

An electronic component that ensures a consistent voltage level on input pins when buttons or switches are not pressed.

Example: Using internal pull-up resistors with Pin.PULL_UP for button inputs.


Pulse Width Modulation - a technique for creating varying levels of brightness or speed by rapidly switching a signal on and off.

PWM Audio

Using Pulse Width Modulation to generate sounds and tones.

Example: Creating alarm beeps and hourly chimes.

Raspberry Pi Pico W

A small, low-cost microcontroller board with built-in wireless capabilities, designed for learning and DIY projects.

Real-Time Clock (RTC)

A specialized chip or circuit that keeps accurate time even when main power is removed.

Example: Using the RTC module to maintain accurate time: rtc = RTC()

Real-time Clock (RTC) Overview

A comprehensive explanation of how real-time clock modules maintain accurate time, including initialization, synchronization, and backup power considerations.

Example: Understanding how the RTC maintains time even when main power is disconnected.

Rotary Encoder

A input device that converts rotational movement into digital signals.

Example: Using encoder rotation to adjust time settings.

Screen Tearing Prevention

Techniques to avoid visual artifacts caused by updating display content while it's being refreshed.

Example: Using vsync or double buffering to ensure clean display updates.

Screen Update

The process of refreshing display contents to show new information.

Example: Efficiently updating only changed portions of the time display.

Screen Via SPI

High-speed serial communication method for updating displays.

Example: Sending framebuffer data to TFT screens efficiently.

Servo Motor

An actuator that can rotate to precise positions.

Example: Moving physical clock hands on a hybrid display.

Setting System Clock

Configuring the internal timekeeping system with accurate time.

Example: Updating RTC time from an external time source.

Setting Time with Buttons

Interface design and implementation for adjusting clock time using physical buttons.

Example: Using mode, increment, and decrement buttons to set hours and minutes.

Setting Up I²C Communication

Configuring and using the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) protocol for connecting multiple devices.

Example: Initializing I²C bus for communicating with RTC and sensor modules.

Setting Up Wi‑Fi on the Pico W

Process of configuring wireless network connectivity on the Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontroller.

Example: Connecting to a local network using SSID and password credentials.

Seven-Segment Display

A display made of seven LED segments plus a decimal point that can show numbers and some letters.

Example: Creating patterns for digits using segments 'a' through 'g': SEGMENTS = {'a': 4, 'b': 3, 'c': 2, 'd': 7, 'e': 6, 'f': 5, 'g': 1}

Shift Register

An integrated circuit that converts serial data into parallel outputs, useful for controlling multiple LEDs with fewer pins.

Example: Using SR74HC595 shift register to control display segments.

Sleep Mode

A low-power state that reduces energy consumption.

Example: Entering deep sleep between display updates.

Sleep Scheduling

Managing when the device enters and exits low-power states.

Example: Programming wake-up times for hourly updates.

Smartwatch Displays

Advanced display modules designed specifically for wearable devices, optimizing size, power consumption, and readability.

Example: Using a small, high-resolution display with automatic brightness adjustment.

Sound Encoding

Methods for storing and playing audio data for alarms and notifications.

Example: Converting WAV files to suitable format for playback.


Serial Peripheral Interface - a fast communication protocol for connecting digital components using multiple signal lines.

SPI Interface

A high-speed serial communication protocol for connecting displays and sensors.

Example: Transferring data to TFT displays efficiently.

State Machine

A programming concept where a system can be in one of several defined states, with specific rules for transitioning between them.

Example: Clock modes including "run", "set hour", "set minute", and "set AM/PM".

Step Counting (Pedometer)

Using motion sensors to detect and count walking steps for fitness tracking.

Example: Processing accelerometer data to identify step patterns and maintain daily count.


A timing device that measures elapsed time from a starting point, typically with precision to fractions of a second.

Example: Implementing start, stop, and lap timing functions with millisecond accuracy.

Synchronizing Time from the PC

The process of setting a microcontroller's clock using the connected computer's time.

Example: Using Thonny IDE to automatically update the Pico's RTC when uploading code.

Temperature and Humidity

Integration of environmental sensors to display current conditions alongside time.

Example: Reading DHT22 sensor data to show temperature and humidity with clock display.

Temperature Sensor

A component that measures ambient temperature.

Example: Displaying current temperature alongside time.

TFT Displays

Thin-film-transistor liquid crystal displays for showing color graphics.

Example: Using ST7735 or ILI9341 displays for watch faces.

Thonny IDE

An integrated development environment optimized for MicroPython programming.

Example: Using Thonny to upload code and debug timing issues.

Time Module

MicroPython library for handling time-related operations.

Example: Using scheduling functions for regular updates.

Time Synchronization

Process of updating device time from an accurate external source.

Example: Getting current time from network time servers.

Time Zone

A region that observes a uniform standard time.

Example: Converting between local time and UTC.

Time-Based Tasks with uasyncio

Scheduling and managing time-dependent operations using MicroPython's asynchronous I/O framework.

Example: Updating multiple display elements at different intervals without blocking.


A system resource that generates regular time-based events.

Example: Creating precise one-second update intervals.

Timer-Based Events

Actions triggered by internal timing mechanisms.

Example: Updating display elements at specific intervals.

Ultra-Low Power

Operating modes and techniques that minimize energy consumption.

Example: Using sleep modes and efficient screen updates.

USB Power

A 5-volt power source available through Universal Serial Bus connections, commonly used for powering small electronic projects.

Using 16 Bits to Represent Color

A color depth specification that allocates 16 bits per pixel, typically with 5 bits for red, 6 for green, and 5 for blue (RGB565 format).

Example: Converting RGB colors to 16-bit format for efficient storage and display.


Coordinated Universal Time, the primary time standard for global time coordination.

Example: Converting local time to UTC for synchronization.

Wake on Alarm

Feature that activates the device from sleep mode at specific times.

Example: Waking the display for scheduled notifications.

Watch Face Design

Principles and techniques for creating visually appealing and functional clock displays.

Example: Balancing aesthetics and readability in analog and digital layouts.

Watchdog Timer

A hardware feature that resets the system if the program stops responding.

Example: Ensuring reliability in long-running clock applications.

Weather Updates

Real-time environmental data obtained through internet services.

Example: Displaying current conditions alongside time.

Web Services

Online resources that provide data or functionality through standard internet protocols.

Example: Fetching current time from an internet time server for clock synchronization.

Wi-Fi Module

Hardware that enables wireless network connectivity.

Example: Connecting to the internet for time synchronization.

Wi‑Fi–Based Weather Updates

Retrieving and displaying current weather conditions using wireless internet connectivity.

Example: Fetching temperature, humidity, and forecast data from online weather services.

World Clock

A timepiece that displays times for multiple time zones simultaneously.

Example: Showing local time alongside other major cities' times.