from machine import Pin
from neopixel import NeoPixel
from utime import localtime, sleep
# Configuration
NUM_PIXELS = 20 # Total number of pixels (18 + 2)
# Colors (RGB values) - using light/pastel versions
HOURS_COLOR = (10, 50, 10) # Light green
MINUTES_COLOR = (10, 10, 60) # Light cyan
SECONDS_COLOR = (30, 40, 0) # Light yellow
OFF_COLOR = (0, 0, 0) # Off
# Column configuration (start_index, height, color)
'hours_tens': (18, 2, HOURS_COLOR), # Column 1: 2 pixels (0-2)
'hours_ones': (14, 4, HOURS_COLOR), # Column 2: 4 pixels (0-9)
'minutes_tens': (11, 3, MINUTES_COLOR), # Column 3: 3 pixels (0-5)
'minutes_ones': (7, 4, MINUTES_COLOR), # Column 4: 4 pixels (0-9)
'seconds_tens': (4, 3, SECONDS_COLOR), # Column 5: 3 pixels (0-5)
'seconds_ones': (0, 4, SECONDS_COLOR), # Column 6: 4 pixels (0-9)
# Initialize NeoPixels
pixels = NeoPixel(Pin(NEOPIXEL_PIN), NUM_PIXELS)
def int_to_binary_column(number, num_bits):
"""Convert a number to binary and return list of bits."""
binary = []
for i in range(num_bits):
binary.append(1 if number & (1 << i) else 0)
return binary # LSB first
def set_column(start_index, height, color, number):
"""Set the LEDs for a specific column based on the number."""
binary = int_to_binary_column(number, height)
# Set each LED in the column
for bit_pos in range(height):
pixel_index = start_index + bit_pos
pixels[pixel_index] = color if binary[bit_pos] else OFF_COLOR
def update_display(hours, minutes, seconds):
"""Update all columns with current time."""
# Hours
set_column(*COLUMN_CONFIG['hours_tens'], hours // 10)
set_column(*COLUMN_CONFIG['hours_ones'], hours % 10)
# Minutes
set_column(*COLUMN_CONFIG['minutes_tens'], minutes // 10)
set_column(*COLUMN_CONFIG['minutes_ones'], minutes % 10)
# Seconds
set_column(*COLUMN_CONFIG['seconds_tens'], seconds // 10)
set_column(*COLUMN_CONFIG['seconds_ones'], seconds % 10)
pixels.write() # Update the NeoPixels
def main():
print("Binary Clock Started")
print("Columns from right to left:")
print("1. Seconds ones (4 bits) - Light Yellow")
print("2. Seconds tens (3 bits) - Light Yellow")
print("3. Minutes ones (4 bits) - Light Cyan")
print("4. Minutes tens (3 bits) - Light Cyan")
print("5. Hours ones (4 bits) - Light Green")
print("6. Hours tens (2 bits) - Light Green")
print("LSB at bottom of each column")
while True:
# Get current time - replace this line with the RTC call in the final version
t = localtime()
hours, minutes, seconds = t[3], t[4], t[5]
# Update the display
update_display(hours, minutes, seconds)
# Print current time for debugging
# Wait before next update
if __name__ == "__main__":