from machine import Pin, I2C
import ds3231
import config
from time import localtime
# Initialize I2C and RTC
i2c = I2C(config.I2C_BUS, sda=Pin(config.I2C_SDA_PIN), scl=Pin(config.I2C_SCL_PIN))
rtc = ds3231.DS3231(i2c)
def format_time(datetime_tuple):
# Unpack the 8-value tuple returned by rtc.datetime()
# Format is: year, month, day, weekday, hour, minutes, seconds, subseconds
year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, subseconds = datetime_tuple
# Convert to 12-hour format
am_pm = "AM" if hour < 12 else "PM"
hour_12 = hour if hour <= 12 else hour - 12
if hour_12 == 0:
hour_12 = 12
# Create day and month lookup tables
# weekday in RTC is 1-7 (Monday=1, Sunday=7)
days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
# Adjust weekday to 0-based index for days list
weekday_index = weekday - 1
return f"{days[weekday_index]}, {months[month-1]} {day}, {year} {hour_12}:{minute:02d}:{second:02d} {am_pm}"
def verify_time(local_time):
Verify that local_time values are within acceptable bounds
Returns: True if time appears valid, False otherwise
# Unpack tuple
l_year, l_month, l_day, l_hour, l_min, l_sec, l_wday, l_yday = local_time
# Basic bounds checking
if not (2000 <= l_year <= 2099):
print("Error: Year out of range (2000-2099)")
return False
if not (1 <= l_month <= 12):
print("Error: Month out of range (1-12)")
return False
if not (1 <= l_day <= 31):
print("Error: Day out of range (1-31)")
return False
if not (0 <= l_hour <= 23):
print("Error: Hour out of range (0-23)")
return False
if not (0 <= l_min <= 59):
print("Error: Minute out of range (0-59)")
return False
if not (0 <= l_sec <= 59):
print("Error: Second out of range (0-59)")
return False
return True
# Get current RTC time and print it
print("\nCurrent RTC time before setting:")
current_rtc_time = rtc.datetime()
# Get local time
local = localtime()
print("\nSystem local time:")
print(f"Year: {local[0]}, Month: {local[1]}, Day: {local[2]}")
print(f"Hour: {local[3]}, Minute: {local[4]}, Second: {local[5]}")
print(f"Weekday: {local[6]} (0=Monday, 6=Sunday)")
# Verify the time data
if verify_time(local):
# Convert weekday from localtime (0-6, Monday=0) to RTC format (1-7, Monday=1)
rtc_weekday = local[6] + 1
# Create datetime tuple in correct order for rtc.datetime()
# According to the driver docstring:
# datetime : tuple, (0-year, 1-month, 2-day, 3-hour, 4-minutes[, 5-seconds[, 6-weekday]])
new_time = (
local[0], # year
local[1], # month
local[2], # day
local[3], # hour
local[4], # minute
local[5], # second
rtc_weekday # weekday (1-7, Monday=1)
# Set the RTC
print("\nRTC time set successfully!")
# Read back and print the new time
print("\nNew RTC time after setting:")
new_rtc_time = rtc.datetime()
print("\nError: Time verification failed. RTC not set.")