from utime import sleep, ticks_ms, ticks_diff
from machine import Pin
# Global Variable Default Settings
mode = 0
hour = 6
minute = 30
pm_indicator = True
mode_names = ['run', 'set hour', 'set minute', 'set AM/PM']
mode_count = len(mode_names)
# Button Pin GPIO Configuration
# Create 3 button objects as inputs with pullup resistors
change_mode_pin = Pin(CHANGE_MODE_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
increment_pin = Pin(INCREMENT_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
decrement_pin = Pin(DECREMENT_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
# Variables to track last button press times for debouncing
last_mode_press = 0
last_increment_press = 0
last_decrement_press = 0
# These functions gets called every time a button is pressed
def mode_button_pressed(pin):
global mode, last_mode_press
current_time = ticks_ms()
if ticks_diff(current_time, last_mode_press) > DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS:
mode += 1
mode = mode % mode_count
last_mode_press = current_time
def increment_button_pressed(pin):
global mode, hour, minute, pm_indicator, last_increment_press
current_time = ticks_ms()
if ticks_diff(current_time, last_increment_press) > DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS:
if mode == 1:
hour = (hour % 12) + 1 # Increment hour from 1-12 properly
if mode == 2:
minute += 1
minute = minute % 60 # Fixed: minute should go from 0 to 59
if mode == 3:
pm_indicator = not pm_indicator
last_increment_press = current_time
def decrement_button_pressed(pin):
global mode, hour, minute, pm_indicator, last_decrement_press
current_time = ticks_ms()
if ticks_diff(current_time, last_decrement_press) > DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS:
if mode == 1:
hour -= 1
if hour <= 0: # Handle wrapping from 1 to 12
hour = 12
if mode == 2:
minute -= 1
if minute < 0: # Handle wrapping from 0 to 59
minute = 59
if mode == 3:
pm_indicator = not pm_indicator
last_decrement_press = current_time
# Register the button handler functions using the irq setter method for each pin
change_mode_pin.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=mode_button_pressed)
increment_pin.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=increment_button_pressed)
decrement_pin.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=decrement_button_pressed)
# Only print on change - these variables store the old values
last_mode = mode
last_hour = hour
last_minute = minute
last_pm_indicator = pm_indicator
print("Default values: mode:", mode, "hour:", hour, "minute:", minute, "pm indicator:", pm_indicator)
while True:
if mode != last_mode:
print("new mode:", mode, mode_names[mode])
last_mode = mode
if hour != last_hour:
print("new hour:", hour)
last_hour = hour
if minute != last_minute:
print("new minute:", minute)
last_minute = minute
if pm_indicator != last_pm_indicator:
print("new pm indicator:", pm_indicator)
last_pm_indicator = pm_indicator
# sleep(.01)