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Building Clocks and Watches with Smart Watch Displays

These lessons are general to all of our kits. We often use the Pico OLED for many examples since that is the kit we have been using for the longest time.

These lessons focus on using functions like the MicroPython localtime() to get the time in your current timezone.

They also focus on drawing scalable numbers on different size displays and drawing times on larger color displays.

Here are some sample lesson plans for a 14-week semimester high school course on learning computational thining by using MicroPython to write clock and smartwatch application. This course assumes no prior knowledge of programming.

Weeks 1-2: Introduction to Python and Basic Concepts

Lesson 1: Introduction to Python

  • What is Python?
  • Why learn Python?
  • Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Python Installation and Setup

Lesson 2: Hello, World!

  • Writing the first Python program
  • Drawing a simple rectangle to the screen
  • Making the rectangle bounce around the screen
  • Understanding Python syntax
  • Using the graphics library for your clock or watch

Lesson 3: Variables and Data Types

  • Introduction to variables
  • Common data types (integers, floats, strings, booleans)
  • Drawing with pixels, lines and rectangles
  • Changing color

Lesson 4: Basic Operations

  • Arithmetic operations
  • Concatenation and repetition
  • Assignment operators
  • Lists of colors

Weeks 3-4: Control Structures and Functions

Lesson 5: Conditionals

  • if, else, and elif statements
  • Alternating the color of your lines
  • Horizontal and radial lines

Lesson 6: Loops

  • for and while loops
  • Loop control with break and continue
  • Draing the tick marks on a watch

Lesson 7: Functions

  • Defining and calling functions
  • Arguments and return values

Weeks 5-6: Working with Libraries and Hardware

Lesson 8: Importing Libraries

  • What is a library?
  • Importing and using libraries

Lesson 9: Introduction to Hardware Interaction

  • Communicating with smart watch displays
  • Sending and receiving data

Weeks 7-8: Project 1: Basic Digital Clock

Lesson 10: Planning the Project

  • Project overview
  • Creating a project plan

Lesson 11: Building a Basic Digital Clock

  • Displaying time on the smart watch display
  • Updating the time

Weeks 9-10: Intermediate Python Concepts

Lesson 12: Lists and Dictionaries

  • Creating and manipulating lists and dictionaries

Lesson 13: Error Handling

  • try and except blocks

Weeks 11-12: Project 2: Analog Clock Display

Lesson 14: Planning the Project

  • Project overview
  • Creating a project plan

Lesson 15: Building an Analog Clock Display

  • Designing an analog clock
  • Rotating clock hands based on the current time

Weeks 13-14: Advanced Python Concepts and Optimization

Lesson 16: More About Functions

  • Lambda functions, higher-order functions

Lesson 17: Optimization Techniques

  • Improving code efficiency

Weeks 15-16: Final Project: Customizable Clock/Watch

Lesson 18: Planning the Project

  • Project overview
  • Creating a project plan

Lesson 19: Building a Customizable Clock/Watch

  • Adding customization options (color, style, etc.)
  • Implementing user input for customization

Lesson 20: Final Project Presentations

  • Students present their final projects
  • Review and feedback session

Ongoing: Reflection and Feedback

  • After each project, have students reflect on what went well, what they struggled with, and what they learned.
  • Continuously solicit feedback from students to improve the learning experience.

This outline provides a balance between teaching Python concepts and applying them to real-world projects, which can keep students engaged and help them to better retain what they've learned. Tailor this outline to meet the specific needs and pace of your students, and ensure to provide plenty of opportunities for students to practice their skills, ask questions, and get feedback.