Generative AI Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Assessment

Q1: Does your organization have a basic understanding of what Generative AI is and its potential applications?

Q2: How is Generative AI currently being used in your organization?

Q3: Does your organization have policies or governance structures in place for the use of Generative AI?

Q4: What level of training or expertise in Generative AI is available within your organization?

Q5: How does your organization manage data for Generative AI applications?

Q6: To what extent is Generative AI integrated into your business processes?

Q7: Is your organization involved in developing new applications or innovations using Generative AI?

Q8: How does your organization measure the performance and impact of Generative AI technologies?

Q9: How does your organization manage risks associated with Generative AI?

Q10: How is your organization preparing for future advancements in Generative AI?