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Summary of Blogs on Enterprise Knowledge Graphs

As part of my job as a Distinguished Engineer I am asked to be a recognized thought leader. I attempt to fulfill part of this role in blogging on topics related to AI, machine learning and knowledge representation. You can find my current blogs on Medium:

I should note that although I try to keep my original blogs mostly intact, sometimes I do fix errors and add additional references.

Here is a summary of some of my blogs related directly to Enterprise Knowledge Graphs in reverse chronological order.

Rules for Knowledge Graph Rules Published Dec. 2020

Should you store your business rules in a knowledge graph?

Understanding Graph Embeddings

Published Nov. 23rd 2020

Intel’s Incredible PIUMA Graph Analytics Hardware

[The Knowledge Triangle]

Knowledge Graphs: The Third Era of Computing

I make the case that knowledge graphs will become the third era of computing.

[From Data Science to Knowledge Science]

( In this blog post, I make the argument that accessing a high-quality and highly connected knowledge graph is much more productive than trying have all your data scientists re-interpret raw-data for each project.