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  • The Deep Learning Bar
  • What is Explainable AI (XAI)
  • Neural Networks Alone Lack Explainability
  • How do Enterprise Knowledge Graph Help Explainability
  • Generating Explanations

The Deep Learning Bar

The Deep Learning Bartender

What is Explainable AI

  • Explainable systems are systems that can enumerate why they are creating specific recommendations
  • Explainable systems answer the question "why"
  • Explainable systems provide explanations in ways that humans can quickly understand
  • Explainable systems provide evidence and references
  • Explainable systems can show the linage and provenance of the source data used to make decisions
  • Explainable systems describe alternatives
  • Explainable systems promote trust
  • Explainable systems encourage feedback when assumptions are incorrect
  • Explainable systems are easy to correct
  • Explainable systems give clear probability analysis

Neural Networks Alone Lack Explainability


  1. DARPA XAI - high level overview of XAI from DARPA.
  2. The Adversarial Turtle: Google’s AI thinks this turtle looks like a gun, which is a problem - How current image recognition has a focus on low-level pattern detection but fails to take structure into account.