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References for Enterprise Knowledge Graphs

Henry Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management: A New Concern for Public Administration Henry, Nicholas L. (May–June 1974). Public Administration Review. 34 (3): 189–196.

Knowledge is Power

The phrase knowledge is power is frequently attributed to Sir Francis Bacon who clearly popularized it and helped trigger the . The first occurrence of it in recorded history might be attributed to Imam Ali (AD 599-661). We use this phrase as a theme throughout the book.
Wikipedia page on Scientia potentia est

Intel PIUMA on Arxiv

PIUMA: Programmable Integrated Unified Memory Architecture

MACC Conference

Dan McCreary Midwest Architectural Community Conference

The Rainbow Library

A Story of Knowledge Classification

SemTech 2007

SemTech 2007 Blog

Language Models are Open Knowledge Graphs

Yannic Kilcher Video - Nov 2, 2020 - Although this paper has some flaws, it did have a noble purpose - how to extract precise facts from a large language model

Machine Learning Street Talk

Wally Saba

CDE Meetup on Graph Databases at NetFlix - an interesting use case showing that the metadata associated with putting movies in a streaming service is a complex graph problem. It shows that Digial Asset Management (DAM) is a complex problem suited for graph databases. The presentation was by Ioannis Papapanagiotou who worked at NetFlix at the time. He has since moved on to work at Snowflake.

Graph Databases at Google and NetFlix

Graph Database Stories: Google and Netflix - this 2017 presentation at a local BayArea meetup shows how Google and NetFlix had to deploy large teams of engineers to perform basic scaleable graph queries.