MicroSim Templates for a Geometry Course
Our templates allow generative AI systems to start with a working program that has a consistent layout and a consistent look and feel. Our teachers have a strong preference for putting controls like buttons and sliders at the bottom of the screen with the labels and values to the left of the sliders.
We also use a template that allows us to position the animation at any specific part of a web page using a iFrame with other content around the simulation.
We also prefer a minimalistic approach that allows a simulation to be placed directly in a web page with a single HTML iframe element where the user just specifies the width and height of the simulation with the page. By minimalistic, we mean we don't put a lot of HTML outside the canvas drawing area.
Geometry p5.js Template #1
This template has a drawing region above a control region. We place buttons and sliders only in the control region. The width of the canvas is set to be
MicroSim Template
Run the MicroSim Template Edit this MicroSim
About this MicroSim
This MicroSim teaches us how to specify the drawing of a static filled circle.
Example iFrame
Sample Prompt
Create a single file p5.js sketch.
Draw a green circle on a 600x400 canvas with a radius of 200.
Sample Response
// canvas regions setup
- Link to the MicroSim html in the index.md file
- Image of the MicroSim in the index.md file