LR DAG Viewer
In this lesson we use the left to right layout (LR) of a DAG using the vis.js library. This algorithm places each node in one of about eight columns and arranges nodes in a DAG based on their dependencies, with independent nodes on the right and dependent nodes on the left.
Run the LR DAG Viewer MicroSim
The program uses the graph-algorithms learning graph CSV file
View the Graph Algorithms Learning Graph CSV File
Tuning the Layout
Sample Prompt
I have a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and I want you to create a vis.js program so that the placement of the nodes on the graph always place dependant nodes to the left of a node. Nodes with no dependencies should be on the right side of the canvas.
Use the following vis.js library reference from
Use the following parameters in the vis.js options:
const options = { layout: { hierarchical: { enabled: true, direction: 'LR', // Left to right sortMethod: 'directed', nodeSpacing: 80, levelSeparation: 500 } }}
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
The solution was to rely on precise static positioning rather than physics-based layout for this directed acyclic graph visualization. The key insight was that since we're dealing with a hierarchical dependency structure where nodes need to maintain their horizontal levels, physics simulation wasn't actually necessary - it was just complicating things and causing issues. By using fixed positions calculated from the dependency levels, we get a clearer and more stable visualization that better serves the purpose of showing the relationships between concepts.