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Graph Learning Management Systems

Welcome to the Graph Learning Management Systems (GLMS) website.

Our mission is to build open-source tools that promote the hyper-personalization of learning built upon scale-out knowledge graph technologies.

We believe that every human being has the right to free access to systems that use AI and machine learning to help them achieve their learning objectives. We feel that graph-based machine learning is the best way to do this.

How to Use This Website

This website contains content to help organizations build concept and content recommendation systems that predict what resources will help students achieve their goals.

You can use the search function to help you find the right content or use the navigation system in the left margin to explore our content.

If you are not familiar with the terms, we suggest you refer to our glossary of terms.


Please read our License to understand if this content will meet your needs.

Please contact me on LinkedIn if you have any questions.