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Concept dependency

That is a very good list. We will call it the ConceptList. Each item is a Concept.

Our next step is to create a fully connected dependency graph for learning each Concept in the ConceptList. In this step, for each Concept on this ConceptList, create a new list of other concepts on which it depends. If a Concept depends on a specific Concept that is not listed, then we will need to add it as a new Concept. This will help us determine the teaching order of the Concepts.

Return the new list as a CSV file using the following format:

The first column in the CSV file is a numeric concept ID you assigned in the list above. The second column is the concept name. The third column is a pipe-delimited list of the Concept IDs that the concept depends upon.

Make the first line be:

0,Fundamental Concept,

Check your results to make sure that all concepts are connected to at least one other concept.


```csv 0,Fundamental Concept, 1,System,2|3|10|201 2,Element,201 3,Boundary,2,201 4,Input,2|3 5,Output,2|3 6,Process,4|5 7,Structure,2|3 8,Function,7 9,Behavior,6|8 10,Interaction,2|9 11,Component,2 12,Environment,3 13,Feedback,5|9 14,Stock,2|5 15,Flow,4|5 16,Feedback Loop,13|15 17,Delay,16 18,Causality,4|5|201 19,Causal Loop,18|16 20,Balancing Loop,16 21,Reinforcing Loop,16 22,Nonlinearity,19|21 23,Dynamics,6|22 24,Emergence,9|22 25,Leverage Point,24 26,Mental Model,9 27,Archetype,26 28,Complexity,22|23 29,Self-Organization,24|28 30,Adaptation,29 31,Resilience,30 32,Sustainability,31|25 33,Holism,1 34,Reductionism,2 35,Open System,1|12 36,Closed System,1 37,System Map,1|9 38,Modeling,37 39,Simulation,38 40,Diagramming,37 41,Stocks-Flows,14|15 42,Rich Picture,37 43,Influence Diagram,37 44,Systems Analysis,38|40 45,Scenario Planning,39|44 46,Sensitivity,39 47,Stakeholders,12 48,Soft Systems,35|47 49,Hard Systems,36 50,Cybernetics,13|16 51,Control,50 52,Homeostasis,51 53,Positive Feedback,13|21 54,Negative Feedback,13|20 55,Time Delay,17 56,Path Dependence,55 57,Systemic Risk,28|46 58,Failure Modes,57 59,Risk Management,58 60,Interdependence,10|47 61,Synergy,60 62,Systems Approach,1|33 63,Systems Design,62 64,Systems Engineering,63 65,Systems Management,64 66,Systems Theory,62 67,General Systems,66 68,Holistic Thinking,33 69,Intervention,65 70,Systemic Change,69 71,Circular Economy,32|70 72,Life Cycle,71 73,Network Theory,10 74,Network Analysis,73 75,Small-World Network,73 76,Scale-Free Network,73 77,Social Network,73 78,Agent-Based Model,39 79,Emergent Behavior,24|78 80,Adaptive Management,30|65 81,System of Systems,1|11 82,Purpose,8 83,Goals,82 84,Constraints,3|82 85,Optimization,84 86,Learning Org,80 87,Org Learning,86 88,Systems Leadership,87 89,Visualization,40 90,Leverage Analysis,25|89 91,Root Cause,18|44 92,Problem Framing,91 93,Wicked Problems,28|92 94,Complex Problems,28 95,Complicated Problems,94 96,Simple Problems,94 97,Systems Mindset,68 98,Iteration,6 99,Adaptive Cycle,98 100,Panarchy,99 101,Transdisciplinary,66 102,Cross-Scale,100 103,Scale,102 104,Thresholds,103 105,Tipping Point,104 106,Bifurcation,105 107,Phase Transition,106 108,Non-Equilibrium,107 109,Fractals,108 110,Self-Similarity,109 111,Network Effects,73 112,Robustness,31 113,Antifragility,112 114,Trade-Offs,85 115,Unintended Effects,18|114 116,Innovation,113 117,Value Chain,116 118,Supply Chain,117 119,Demand Chain,117 120,Ecosystem,12|81 121,Sociotechnical,48 122,Human Factors,121 123,Cognitive Bias,26 124,Heuristics,123 125,Decision-Making,124 126,Behavioral Econ,125 127,Game Theory,126 128,Nash Equilibrium,127 129,Prisoner's Dilemma,128 130,Cooperation,129 131,Competition,129 132,Coevolution,130|131 133,Evolutionary Dyn,132 134,Genetic Algorithms,133 135,Machine Learning,134 136,AI,135 137,Cyber-Physical,136 138,IoT,137 139,Big Data,138 140,Data-Driven,139 141,Info Systems,140 142,Knowledge Mgmt,141 143,Org Systems,142 144,Cultural Systems,143 145,Social Systems,77 146,Economic Systems,126 147,Political Systems,145 148,Environmental Sys,120 149,Technological Sys,138 150,Biological Systems,148 151,Ecological Systems,150 152,Feedback Control,51 153,System ID,152 154,Control Systems,153 155,Info Theory,141 156,Entropy,155 157,Signal Processing,156 158,Noise,157 159,Robust Control,154 160,Adaptive Control,159 161,Predictive Control,160 162,Linear Systems,154 163,Nonlinear Systems,162 164,Discrete Systems,162 165,Continuous Systems,162 166,Hybrid Systems,164|165 167,Systems Integration,81|63 168,Cybernetics,50 169,Chaos,163 170,Butterfly Effect,169 171,Systems Dynamics,23 172,Modeling Tools,171 173,Simulation Tools,172 174,Systems Thinking,97 175,Mental Models,26 176,System Archetypes,27 177,Limits to Growth,176 178,Tragedy Commons,176 179,Shifting Burden,176 180,Fixes Fail,176 181,Growth Underinvest,176 182,Success to Successful,176 183,Escalation,176 184,Drifting Goals,176 185,Accidental Adversaries,176 186,Attractors,169 187,Resilient Systems,31 188,Sustainability,32 189,Life Cycle Analysis,72 190,Network Effects,111 191,Systems Mapping,37 192,Systems Visualization,89 193,Leverage Points,25 194,Root Cause Analysis,91 195,Systems Optimization,85 196,Systems Failure,58 197,Systems Innovation,116 198,Systems Integration,167 199,Systems Transformation,70 200,Systems Leadership,88