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Building Education Intelligent Agents With LangChain

This microsite supports a course on building intelligent agents using the Python LangChain libraries to support education.

We believe that LLM-powered agents are an excellent foundation for building general problem-solving agents and will be at the core of most educational learning management systems in a few years. Central to this philosophy is to empower agents to do planning, access relevant knowledge, work with other agents, and cost-effectively use resources such as API and data queries.

We use LangChain to build intelligent agents that can:

  1. Generate lesson plans customized to the needs of a specific student
  2. Generate micro-simulations that provide interactive animations
  3. Generate supporting classroom materials such as concept glossaries and quizzes that are contextualized to each students learning objectives

We use examples that support teachers in K-12 education generating customizable simulations and lesson plans customized to each student.

We are fully aware that LangChain is not a perfect solution. It is a dynamically evolving framework with almost daily releases that break our code. Despite this challenge, it is the best that we have today.

Please read the About Page for details on the course prerequisites and goals. If you are using these materials in your own classes, be sure to read the Creative Commons License page.

Dan McCreary on LinkedIn