Decomposition of the Signals, Circuits & Electronics Course
Course Description
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EE 2015 - Signals, Circuits and Electronics
Sample Prompt
I am teaching a course called Signals, Circuits & Electronics. Here is a description of my course:
Introduction to analog electrical systems with particular emphasis on audio circuits and signals. Time and frequency domain representations. Kirchhoff?s laws. Power. Inductance and Capacitance. Introduction to op-amp circuits and their audio applications. Complex numbers and phasors. Introduction to Fourier Series. RLC circuits and basic filter networks. Laboratory experiments on audio amplifiers, distortion, intermodulation products, low-level differential amplifiers, bass/treble filters.
I recently found a tool that makes it very easy to build interactive simulations where the users can control the simulation parameters using buttons and sliders. What are the most difficult topics to explain in an undergraduate course in analog circuits? Please list them and order the results based on the probability that I can create an interactive simulation to explain the concept.