Welcome to the CoderDojo course on MicroPython
This course is about MicroPython, a variation of the popular Python programming language that is used to program microcontrollers.
Intended Audience
- Junior High or High School Students
- Age 10-16
Preferred Skills
- Familiarity with basic text editing functions such as select, copy and paste
- Understand how to save files to disk
- Basic understanding of Python programming language (We strongly suggest you take the Introduction to Python Programming CoderDojo Course if you are not familiar with Python.)
User should be familiar with the the following Python concepts:
- libraries
- variables
- loops
- conditionals
- lists
- functions
- function parameters
Course Outline
- What is a Microcontroller?
- What is Micropython?
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- Getting Started: Setting up MicroPython environment using Thonny or VS Code
- Introduction to MicroPython - Getting Started
- Sensors: getting information about the world around us
- Displays: showing information to users
- Sound and Music: playing tones, sounds and music
- OLED Displays: drawing on displays
- Robots: making robots move around with motors
- Advanced Topics
License of Content
Our intent is to allow teachers and mentors around the world to integrate MicroPython into their courses without any fees. We want you to be able to use this content freely with a few conditions: please give us attribution and please don't resell our content for profit.
Note that we use the same Creative Commons licensing as the Raspberry Pi Foundation and the CoderDojo Foundation:
Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike
This means you are free to reuse and remix this content for non-commercial educational purposes as long as you keep the attribution and preserve the license agreement.