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Structure of a MicroSim Demonstration

To make it easier for developers to understand and reuse our MicroSims, we are proposing the following directory and file standards.

Required Components

  1. Directory with the name of the app
  2. file within this directory. The file has a link to the HTML file.
  3. HTML file that displays the application. It also loads the JavaScript file and provides a link back to the main file.
  4. JavaScript file that holds the simulation code.

Optional Components

  1. An image of the working simulation. Ideally, this will serve as the Link Preview.
  2. A button to the working simulation.
  3. A sample set of one or more prompts that were used to generate the simulation.
  4. Sample of code that was generated.
  5. Suggested activities or lesson plans.
  6. Links to related simulations.