Name: "Name of the MicroSim"
Description: "A brief description of what the MicroSim does"
SubjectArea: "The subject area of the MicroSim"
Topic: "Specific topic the MicroSim addresses"
- Parameter1:
Label: "Label for Parameter 1"
Min: minimum_value
Max: maximum_value
Default: default_value
Increment: increment_value
- Parameter2:
Label: "Label for Parameter 2"
Min: minimum_value
Max: maximum_value
Default: default_value
Increment: increment_value
# Add more parameters as needed
GradeLevel: "Appropriate grade level for the MicroSim"
- LessonPlan1:
Title: "Title of Lesson Plan 1"
Description: "Description of Lesson Plan 1"
# Additional details about the lesson plan
- LessonPlan2:
Title: "Title of Lesson Plan 2"
Description: "Description of Lesson Plan 2"
# Additional details about the lesson plan
# Add more lesson plans as needed