// Standard sizes for Smartboard with controls at the bottom
let canvasWidth = 600;
let canvasHeight = 600;
let plotWidth = canvasWidth;
let plotHeight = 500;
let plotMargin = 50;
let controlWidth = canvasWidth;
let controlHeight = 100;
let thicknessSlider, spacingSlider;
let gridThickness = 1;
let gridSpacing = 50;
function setup() {
createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); // Set the canvas size
// Create thickness slider (range from 1 to 10)
thicknessSlider = createSlider(.1, 1.25, .25, .05);
thicknessSlider.position(190, plotHeight + 20);
thicknessSlider.size(canvasWidth / 2);
// Create spacing slider (range from 5 to 100, step of 5)
spacingSlider = createSlider(5, 100, 25, 5);
spacingSlider.position(190, plotHeight + 50);
spacingSlider.size(canvasWidth / 2);
// Call the function to draw the grid initially
function draw() {
fill("DodgerBlue"); // DodgerBlue background
rect(0,0,canvasWidth, plotHeight)
drawGrid(25); // Call the drawGrid function with a grid spacing of 25
// Draw the Controls Area
// Get values from sliders
gridThickness = thicknessSlider.value();
gridSpacing = spacingSlider.value();
// Draw grid using the current slider values
// Display slider labels and values
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
text("Grid Thickness: " + gridThickness, 10, plotHeight + 30);
text("Grid Spacing: " + gridSpacing, 10, plotHeight + 60);
function drawGrid() {
for (let x = 0; x < plotWidth; x += gridSpacing) {
if (x % 100 === 0) {
strokeWeight(gridThickness * 4); // Adjust thickness for every 100th line
} else if (x % 50 === 0) {
strokeWeight(gridThickness * 2); // Adjust thickness for every 50th line
} else {
strokeWeight(gridThickness); // Standard line thickness
stroke(255); // Set the grid color to white
line(x, 0, x, plotHeight); // Draw vertical grid lines within the plot area
for (let y = 0; y < plotHeight; y += gridSpacing) {
if (y % 100 === 0) {
strokeWeight(gridThickness * 4); // Adjust thickness for every 100th line
} else if (y % 50 === 0) {
strokeWeight(gridThickness * 2); // Adjust thickness for every 50th line
} else {
strokeWeight(gridThickness); // Standard line thickness
stroke(255); // Set the grid color to white
line(0, y, plotWidth, y); // Draw horizontal grid lines within the plot area