Here is a simple example that you can start with. The ChatGPT prompt would be the following:
Generate a single p5.js sketch file that draws a blue circle
in the center of a 400x400 canvas.
Create a range control slider that allows the radius to be
adjusted from 0 to 200.
Use the text() function within the draw() function to display the
label and current value of the radius.
letradiusSlider;letradius=0;functionsetup(){createCanvas(400,400);// Create the radius sliderradiusSlider=createSlider(0,200,100);radiusSlider.position(10,10);}functiondraw(){background(220);// Fetch the current radius from the sliderradius=radiusSlider.value();// Draw the circlefill(0,0,255);noStroke();circle(width/2,height/2,radius*2);// Display the radius valuefill(0);text("Radius: "+radius,10,50);}