Note that this disables scrolling within the iframe.
I would like to create a p5.js program that is aware of the width of
the HTML container element that it is executing within. I want
to do this because my users want to use my p5.js application within
an HTML iframe that is placed in a central content region.
Our user will run in many different sizes of windows.
Basically we want a responsive design for the width.
Please generate a p5.js program that displays the width and
height of the region that contains it
in a 36 size. Make the canvas background be aliceblue.
Also give guidance on how we should change the site CSS to style
the iframe that contains the p5.js program so it always expands
to the width of the container it is running in and disables
scrolling inside the iframe.
Assume the standard p5.js HTML template that puts the container
in a <main> element.
Assume that the p5.js will fix the canvasHeight to be 400.
// Responsive width - resize to the width of the container// global variablesletcontainer;letcanvasHeight=400;// Maintain the fixed heightfunctionsetup(){// Select the container dynamicallycontainer=document.querySelector('main');// Create a canvas with the same width as the container and a fixed heightconstcanvasWidth=container.offsetWidth;letcanvas=createCanvas(canvasWidth,canvasHeight);// Attach the canvas to the containercanvas.parent(container);// Set text propertiestextSize(36);textAlign(CENTER,CENTER);noLoop();}functiondraw(){background('aliceblue');// Display the canvas width and height as text in center of canvasconstcanvasWidth=container.offsetWidth;text(`Width: ${canvasWidth}px\nHeight: ${height}px`,canvasWidth/2,canvasHeight/2);}functionwindowResized(){// Update the canvas width when the window is resizedconstcanvasWidth=container.offsetWidth;resizeCanvas(canvasWidth,canvasHeight);}
Explanation of the Code
This code is a p5.js sketch that creates a canvas sized to the width of a parent HTML container element but uses a fixed height. It also updates and redraws the canvas whenever the browser window is resized. Here's a line-by-line explanation of what's happening:
Global Variables
letcanvasWidth;// Will store the width of the containerletcanvasHeight=400;// A fixed height for the canvas
canvasWidth: This variable will be updated dynamically based on the #p5-container element's width.
canvasHeight: This is fixed at 200 pixels. Unlike width, it won't change when the window is resized.
setup() Function
functionsetup(){// Create a canvas to match the parent container's sizeupdateCanvasSize();constcanvas=createCanvas(canvasWidth,canvasHeight);canvas.parent('p5-container');noLoop();// Stop the draw loop since we'll redraw only on resize}
updateCanvasSize(): This function call updates canvasWidth by measuring the HTML element with the ID p5-canvas.
createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight): Creates a p5.js canvas. The width is taken from the canvas's width; the height is the fixed 200 pixels.
canvas.parent('p5-canvas'): Inserts the created canvas element inside the HTML element with the ID p5-canvas. This ensures the canvas is placed in the correct part of the page.
noLoop(): Tells p5.js not to continuously call draw() every frame. Instead, it will only call draw() when explicitly instructed to. This helps prevent unnecessary re-rendering.
background('aliceblue'): Sets a light blue background color for the canvas.
fill('black'): Sets the text drawing color to black.
textSize(36): Sets the size of the text to be displayed on the canvas.
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER): Centers text both horizontally and vertically.
text(Width: ${canvasWidth}px\nHeight: ${canvasHeight}px, width / 2, height / 2): Draws a message in the center of the canvas displaying the current width and height values. The \n creates a new line so both values appear one above the other.
windowResized() Function
functionwindowResized(){// Update canvas size when the container resizesupdateCanvasSize();resizeCanvas(canvasWidth,canvasHeight);redraw();}
windowResized(): A p5.js event function that is automatically called whenever the browser window changes size.
updateCanvasSize(): Updates canvasWidth based on the canvas's current dimensions.
resizeCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight): Adjusts the existing canvas to the new width and height. Because the height is fixed, only the width may really change.
redraw(): Manually triggers draw() again, ensuring the text reflects the new dimensions.
updateCanvasSize() Function
functionupdateCanvasSize(){// Get the exact dimensions of the containerconstcontainer=document.getElementById('p5-container').getBoundingClientRect();containerWidth=Math.floor(container.width);// Avoid fractional pixels}
document.getElementById('p5-container').getBoundingClientRect(): Returns an object containing the size and position of the element relative to the viewport.
canvasWidth = Math.floor(canvas.width): Assigns the canvas's width (rounded down to the nearest whole number) to the canvasWidth variable, ensuring no fractional pixel values that might cause layout jitter.
Why This Matters:
By separating the container width calculation from the canvas height (which is fixed), you ensure a stable vertical dimension.
Calling updateCanvasSize() before creating or resizing the canvas ensures the canvas matches the container's dimensions at all times.
Using noLoop() and redraw() allows the canvas to only update when necessary (on initial load and window resize), making the sketch more efficient.