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Building Intelligent Textbooks

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Intelligent textbooks guide students through concepts on their quest for knowledge.

Welcome to the website for a step-by-step guide to building intelligent textbooks using open standards.

Most of the examples on this website use the mkdocs build system paired with generative AI to create and maintain intelligent textbooks. We also leverage the material theme to create customized look-and-feel systems for textbooks.

We feel that many courses today can benefit for high-quality online textbooks that have some of the following features:

  1. Powerful and easy to use Search
  2. Site Navigation
  3. MicroSims - adding interactive simulations to any page using p5.js or iframes
  4. Glossary of Terms
  5. Table of Contents - generate a table of contents for the entire book
  6. Link Checker - check for broken links on the website
  7. Social Media Previews
  8. Rendering Formulas - allow pages to include complex equations and mathematical formulas
  9. Code Highlighting - make code easy to view with color syntax highlighting
  10. License Management with a link to the license in the footer of each page
  11. Site Analytics with Google Analytics
  12. Edit from GitHub
  13. Automatic Build
  14. Quiz Management
  15. High quality website logo and favicon generate for multiple environments
  16. An easy-to-visualize Concept Graph that shows all the concepts in the class and their dependencies.