It would be wonderful if for every prompt, we could allow
the user to copy that prompt directly to their pasteboard with just a single click.
To do this we need to first add a JavaScript event listener that
runs if we see an admonition of type prompt. When we see
this the JavaScript will add a copy button that can be clicked on.
Clicking on the button will copy the entire contents of the admonition to the paste buffer.
We can then move the copy button to the upper right using CSS.
Here is what the screen will look like after we add the JavaScript:
After we add the CSS, the copy button will appear in the upper right corner of the admonition.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){// Find all admonitions with the "prompt" classdocument.querySelectorAll(".admonition.prompt").forEach((admonition)=>{// Create a "Copy" buttonconstcopyButton=document.createElement("button");copyButton.textContent="Copy";copyButton.className="copy-button";// Append the button to the admonitionadmonition.appendChild(copyButton);// Add event listener for the buttoncopyButton.addEventListener("click",()=>{// Collect all text content inside the admonition except the title and buttonconstpromptText=Array.from(admonition.querySelectorAll("p:not(.admonition-title)")).map((p)=>p.textContent.trim()).join("\n");if(promptText){// Copy the collected text to the clipboardnavigator.clipboard.writeText(promptText).then(()=>{// Show feedback on successful copycopyButton.textContent="Copied!";setTimeout(()=>(copyButton.textContent="Copy"),2000);},(err)=>{console.error("Failed to copy text: ",err);});}else{console.error("No prompt text found to copy.");}});});});
Additional CSS
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/* Styling for the Copy Button */.admonition.prompt{position:relative;}.admonition.prompt.copy-button{position:absolute;top:4px;right:6px;background-color:#0056d6;color:white;border:none;border-radius:5px;padding:0.3rem0.3rem;cursor:pointer;font-size:0.7rem;}.admonition.prompt.copy-button:hover{background-color:#0041a4;/* Darker blue on hover */}