One fun way to spice up our LED strips is to randomly light
up a different pixel with a random color. Here is how we do this.
First, We need to import the library that generate random numbers:
Next, we need to generate a random number within a fixed range:
Let's create a program that will briefly light up an random pixel
with a random color. To do this we first generate a random location
on the LED strip, then we get a random value for the red, green and blue brightness:
# 07-random color at a random locationfrommachineimportPinfromneopixelimportNeoPixelfromutimeimportsleepfromurandomimportrandintNEOPIXEL_PIN=0NUMBER_PIXELS=60strip=NeoPixel(Pin(config.NEOPIXEL_PIN),NUMBER_PIXELS)whileTrue:location=randint(0,NUMBER_PIXELS-1)red=randint(0,256)green=randint(0,256)blue=randint(0,256)strip[location]=(red,green,blue)strip.write()sleep(.5)strip[location]=(0,0,0)