Generating Signal Processing Equations
Create a list of the 25 most commonly used equations in a college level signal processing course.
For each equation, return the following:
- The name of the equation in markdown level 4.
- Within the body, return the equation in LaTeX format
- Surround the equation with dollar signs
- For each variable in the equation, add a "where:" that defines each variable
- Put blank lines around the list of variables
- Wrap the variables names in dollar signs
Slope and Intercept
\(y = m * x + b\)
- \(y\) is the vertical axis
- \(x\) is the horizontal axis
- \(m\) is the slope
- \(b\) is the intercept
Area of a Circle
\(A = 2\pi r^2\) where:
- \(A\) is the area of the circle
- \(r\) is the radius
After the first 25 equations were generated I used the following prompt:
Excellent! Please continue with the next 25 most commonly used equations in a signal processing course.
Note that the 100 top equations are group in four ranges:
Equations 1-25
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
\(X[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n]e^{-j2\pi kn/N}\)
- \(X[k]\) is the frequency domain representation
- \(x[n]\) is the time domain signal
- \(N\) is the number of samples
- \(k\) is the frequency index
- \(n\) is the time index
Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT)
\(x[n] = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} X[k]e^{j2\pi kn/N}\)
- \(x[n]\) is the reconstructed time domain signal
- \(X[k]\) is the frequency domain representation
- \(N\) is the number of samples
- \(k\) is the frequency index
- \(n\) is the time index
Sampling Theorem (Nyquist Rate)
\(f_s \geq 2f_{max}\)
- \(f_s\) is the sampling frequency
- \(f_{max}\) is the highest frequency component in the signal
\(X(z) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x[n]z^{-n}\)
- \(X(z)\) is the z-domain representation
- \(x[n]\) is the time domain signal
- \(z\) is the complex variable
- \(n\) is the time index
Inverse Z-Transform
\(x[n] = \frac{1}{2\pi j}\oint_C X(z)z^{n-1}dz\)
- \(x[n]\) is the time domain signal
- \(X(z)\) is the z-domain representation
- \(C\) is the contour of integration
- \(z\) is the complex variable
Convolution Sum
\(y[n] = x[n] * h[n] = \sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty} x[k]h[n-k]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the output signal
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(h[n]\) is the impulse response
- \(k\) is the summation index
\(R_{xy}[n] = \sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty} x[k]y[k+n]\)
- \(R_{xy}[n]\) is the correlation sequence
- \(x[k]\) is the first signal
- \(y[k]\) is the second signal
- \(n\) is the lag variable
Power Spectral Density
\(P_{xx}(e^{j\omega}) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} R_{xx}[n]e^{-j\omega n}\)
- \(P_{xx}(e^{j\omega})\) is the power spectral density
- \(R_{xx}[n]\) is the autocorrelation sequence
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
- \(n\) is the lag variable
First Difference Equation
\(y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the output signal
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(n\) is the time index
Moving Average Filter
\(y[n] = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{k=0}^{M-1} x[n-k]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the filtered output
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(M\) is the number of points in the average
- \(k\) is the summation index
IIR Filter General Form
\(y[n] = \sum_{k=0}^{M} b_k x[n-k] - \sum_{k=1}^{N} a_k y[n-k]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the filter output
- \(x[n]\) is the filter input
- \(b_k\) are the feedforward coefficients
- \(a_k\) are the feedback coefficients
- \(M\) is the feedforward filter order
- \(N\) is the feedback filter order
Frequency Response
\(H(e^{j\omega}) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} h[n]e^{-j\omega n}\)
- \(H(e^{j\omega})\) is the frequency response
- \(h[n]\) is the impulse response
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
- \(n\) is the time index
Phase Response
\(\phi(\omega) = \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{\Im\{H(e^{j\omega})\}}{\Re\{H(e^{j\omega})\}}\right)\)
- \(\phi(\omega)\) is the phase response
- \(H(e^{j\omega})\) is the frequency response
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
- \(\Im\) represents the imaginary part
- \(\Re\) represents the real part
Magnitude Response
\(|H(e^{j\omega})| = \sqrt{\Re\{H(e^{j\omega})\}^2 + \Im\{H(e^{j\omega})\}^2}\)
- \(|H(e^{j\omega})|\) is the magnitude response
- \(H(e^{j\omega})\) is the frequency response
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
- \(\Im\) represents the imaginary part
- \(\Re\) represents the real part
Group Delay
\(\tau_g(\omega) = -\frac{d\phi(\omega)}{d\omega}\)
- \(\tau_g(\omega)\) is the group delay
- \(\phi(\omega)\) is the phase response
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
Parseval's Theorem
\(\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} |x[n]|^2 = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} |X(e^{j\omega})|^2 d\omega\)
- \(x[n]\) is the time domain signal
- \(X(e^{j\omega})\) is the frequency domain representation
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)
\(X(e^{j\omega}) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x[n]e^{-j\omega n}\)
- \(X(e^{j\omega})\) is the frequency domain representation
- \(x[n]\) is the time domain signal
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
- \(n\) is the time index
Window Function (Hamming)
\(w[n] = 0.54 - 0.46\cos(\frac{2\pi n}{N-1})\)
- \(w[n]\) is the window function value
- \(n\) is the sample index
- \(N\) is the window length
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
\(X[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n]\cos[\frac{\pi k(2n+1)}{2N}]\)
- \(X[k]\) is the DCT coefficient
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(N\) is the number of samples
- \(k\) is the frequency index
- \(n\) is the time index
Energy of a Signal
\(E = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} |x[n]|^2\)
- \(E\) is the total energy
- \(x[n]\) is the signal
- \(n\) is the time index
Power of a Signal
\(P = \lim_{N\to\infty} \frac{1}{2N+1}\sum_{n=-N}^{N} |x[n]|^2\)
- \(P\) is the average power
- \(x[n]\) is the signal
- \(N\) is the number of samples
Decimation Equation
\(y[n] = x[Mn]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the decimated signal
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(M\) is the decimation factor
- \(n\) is the time index
Interpolation Equation
\(y[n] = \begin{cases} x[n/L] & \text{if } n/L \text{ is integer} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\)
- \(y[n]\) is the interpolated signal
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(L\) is the interpolation factor
- \(n\) is the time index
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
\(SNR = 10\log_{10}\left(\frac{P_{signal}}{P_{noise}}\right)\)
- \(SNR\) is the signal-to-noise ratio in dB
- \(P_{signal}\) is the power of the signal
- \(P_{noise}\) is the power of the noise
Circular Convolution
\(y[n] = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} x[k]h[(n-k)_N]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the output signal
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(h[n]\) is the impulse response
- \(N\) is the period of the circular convolution
- \((n-k)_N\) denotes modulo-N operation
I'll continue with the next 25 common signal processing equations following the same format.
Equations 25-50
Fast Fourier Transform (Radix-2 Decimation in Time)
\(X[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N/2-1} x[2n]W_N^{2nk} + W_N^k\sum_{n=0}^{N/2-1} x[2n+1]W_N^{2nk}\)
- \(X[k]\) is the frequency domain output
- \(x[n]\) is the time domain input
- \(W_N^k = e^{-j2\pi k/N}\) is the twiddle factor
- \(N\) is the number of points (power of 2)
- \(k\) is the frequency index
- \(n\) is the time index
Goertzel Algorithm
\(y[n] = 2\cos(2\pi f_0/f_s)y[n-1] - y[n-2] + x[n]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the filter output
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(f_0\) is the frequency of interest
- \(f_s\) is the sampling frequency
- \(n\) is the time index
Chirp Signal
\(x[n] = \cos(2\pi(f_0n + \frac{\beta}{2}n^2))\)
- \(x[n]\) is the chirp signal
- \(f_0\) is the starting frequency
- \(\beta\) is the rate of frequency change
- \(n\) is the time index
Hilbert Transform (Discrete)
\(h[n] = \begin{cases} \frac{2}{\pi n} & n \text{ odd} \\ 0 & n \text{ even} \end{cases}\)
- \(h[n]\) is the Hilbert transform impulse response
- \(n\) is the time index
- \(\pi\) is pi (approximately 3.14159)
Cross-Correlation Coefficient
\(\rho_{xy} = \frac{R_{xy}[0]}{\sqrt{R_{xx}[0]R_{yy}[0]}}\)
- \(\rho_{xy}\) is the correlation coefficient
- \(R_{xy}[0]\) is the cross-correlation at lag zero
- \(R_{xx}[0]\) is the autocorrelation of x at lag zero
- \(R_{yy}[0]\) is the autocorrelation of y at lag zero
Discrete Wavelet Transform
\(W[j,k] = \sum_{n} x[n]2^{-j/2}\psi(2^{-j}n - k)\)
- \(W[j,k]\) is the wavelet coefficient
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(\psi\) is the mother wavelet
- \(j\) is the scale parameter
- \(k\) is the translation parameter
- \(n\) is the time index
Kalman Filter Prediction
\(\hat{x}_{k|k-1} = F_k\hat{x}_{k-1|k-1}\)
- \(\hat{x}_{k|k-1}\) is the state prediction
- \(F_k\) is the state transition matrix
- \(\hat{x}_{k-1|k-1}\) is the previous state estimate
- \(k\) is the time step
Kalman Filter Update
\(\hat{x}_{k|k} = \hat{x}_{k|k-1} + K_k(z_k - H_k\hat{x}_{k|k-1})\)
- \(\hat{x}_{k|k}\) is the updated state estimate
- \(K_k\) is the Kalman gain
- \(z_k\) is the measurement
- \(H_k\) is the measurement matrix
- \(\hat{x}_{k|k-1}\) is the state prediction
Autocorrelation Function (Biased)
\(R_{xx}[m] = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=0}^{N-|m|-1} x[n]x[n+|m|]\)
- \(R_{xx}[m]\) is the autocorrelation function
- \(x[n]\) is the signal
- \(N\) is the number of samples
- \(m\) is the lag
- \(n\) is the time index
Levinson-Durbin Recursion
\(a_m^{(m)} = k_m\) \(a_i^{(m)} = a_i^{(m-1)} - k_ma_{m-i}^{(m-1)}\)
- \(a_i^{(m)}\) are the reflection coefficients
- \(k_m\) is the mth reflection coefficient
- \(m\) is the order
- \(i\) is the coefficient index
LMS Adaptive Filter
\(w[n+1] = w[n] + \mu e[n]x[n]\)
- \(w[n]\) is the filter coefficient vector
- \(\mu\) is the step size
- \(e[n]\) is the error signal
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal vector
- \(n\) is the time index
NLMS Adaptive Filter
\(w[n+1] = w[n] + \frac{\mu}{||x[n]||^2}e[n]x[n]\)
- \(w[n]\) is the filter coefficient vector
- \(\mu\) is the step size
- \(e[n]\) is the error signal
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal vector
- \(||x[n]||^2\) is the squared norm of the input vector
RLS Adaptive Filter
\(w[n] = w[n-1] + k[n]e[n]\)
- \(w[n]\) is the filter coefficient vector
- \(k[n]\) is the gain vector
- \(e[n]\) is the a priori error
- \(n\) is the time index
\(BW = f_H - f_L\)
- \(BW\) is the bandwidth
- \(f_H\) is the upper cutoff frequency
- \(f_L\) is the lower cutoff frequency
Quality Factor
\(Q = \frac{f_c}{BW}\)
- \(Q\) is the quality factor
- \(f_c\) is the center frequency
- \(BW\) is the bandwidth
Polyphase Decomposition
\(H(z) = \sum_{k=0}^{M-1} z^{-k}E_k(z^M)\)
- \(H(z)\) is the transfer function
- \(E_k(z)\) are the polyphase components
- \(M\) is the number of phases
- \(k\) is the phase index
Instantaneous Frequency
\(f_i[n] = \frac{1}{2\pi}\frac{d\phi[n]}{dn}\)
- \(f_i[n]\) is the instantaneous frequency
- \(\phi[n]\) is the instantaneous phase
- \(n\) is the time index
Discrete Sine Transform
\(X[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n]\sin[\frac{\pi(k+1)(n+1)}{N+1}]\)
- \(X[k]\) is the transform coefficient
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(N\) is the number of samples
- \(k\) is the frequency index
- \(n\) is the time index
Complex Envelope
\(z[n] = x[n] + j\hat{x}[n]\)
- \(z[n]\) is the complex envelope
- \(x[n]\) is the original signal
- \(\hat{x}[n]\) is the Hilbert transform
- \(n\) is the time index
Matched Filter
\(h[n] = s[L-1-n]\)
- \(h[n]\) is the filter impulse response
- \(s[n]\) is the signal to be detected
- \(L\) is the signal length
- \(n\) is the time index
Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio
\(PSNR = 10\log_{10}\left(\frac{MAX^2}{MSE}\right)\)
- \(PSNR\) is the peak signal-to-noise ratio
- \(MAX\) is the maximum possible signal value
- \(MSE\) is the mean squared error
Frequency Response of Moving Average
\(H(e^{j\omega}) = \frac{\sin(\omega M/2)}{M\sin(\omega/2)}e^{-j\omega(M-1)/2}\)
- \(H(e^{j\omega})\) is the frequency response
- \(M\) is the filter length
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
\(c[n] = \mathcal{F}^{-1}\{\log|\mathcal{F}\{x[n]\}|\}\)
- \(c[n]\) is the cepstrum
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(\mathcal{F}\) represents the Fourier transform
- \(\mathcal{F}^{-1}\) represents the inverse Fourier transform
- \(n\) is the time index
Linear Prediction
\(\hat{x}[n] = -\sum_{k=1}^{p} a_k x[n-k]\)
- \(\hat{x}[n]\) is the predicted sample
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(a_k\) are the prediction coefficients
- \(p\) is the prediction order
- \(k\) is the coefficient index
Equations 50-75
I'll continue with the next 25 common signal processing equations, focusing on more specialized topics and advanced concepts.
Bilinear Transform
\(s = \frac{2}{T}\frac{1-z^{-1}}{1+z^{-1}}\)
- \(s\) is the continuous-time complex frequency
- \(z\) is the discrete-time complex frequency
- \(T\) is the sampling period
Yule-Walker Equations
\(R_{xx}[m] = -\sum_{k=1}^p a_k R_{xx}[m-k]\)
- \(R_{xx}[m]\) is the autocorrelation sequence
- \(a_k\) are the AR coefficients
- \(p\) is the model order
- \(m\) is the lag
- \(k\) is the coefficient index
Zero-Phase Filter
\(H_{zp}(z) = H(z)H(z^{-1})\)
- \(H_{zp}(z)\) is the zero-phase filter
- \(H(z)\) is the original filter
- \(z\) is the complex frequency variable
Gabor Transform
\(X[n,k] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} x[m]w[n-m]e^{-j2\pi km/N}\)
- \(X[n,k]\) is the time-frequency representation
- \(x[m]\) is the input signal
- \(w[n]\) is the window function
- \(N\) is the number of frequency points
- \(n\) is the time index
- \(k\) is the frequency index
Bartlett Window
\(w[n] = 1 - |\frac{2n}{N-1} - 1|\)
- \(w[n]\) is the window function value
- \(n\) is the sample index
- \(N\) is the window length
Compression Ratio
\(CR = \frac{n_{bits_{original}}}{n_{bits_{compressed}}}\)
- \(CR\) is the compression ratio
- \(n_{bits_{original}}\) is the number of bits in original signal
- \(n_{bits_{compressed}}\) is the number of bits after compression
Coherence Function
\(\gamma_{xy}^2(f) = \frac{|P_{xy}(f)|^2}{P_{xx}(f)P_{yy}(f)}\)
- \(\gamma_{xy}^2(f)\) is the coherence function
- \(P_{xy}(f)\) is the cross-spectral density
- \(P_{xx}(f)\) and \(P_{yy}(f)\) are power spectral densities
- \(f\) is the frequency
Multi-Rate Noble Identity 1
\(H(z^M)↓M = ↓MH(z)\)
- \(H(z)\) is the transfer function
- \(M\) is the decimation factor
- \(↓M\) represents decimation by M
Savitzky-Golay Filter
\(y[n] = \sum_{k=-M}^{M} h[k]x[n+k]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the filtered output
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(h[k]\) are the Savitzky-Golay coefficients
- \(M\) is the half-width of the window
- \(n\) is the time index
Phase Delay
\(\tau_p(\omega) = -\frac{\phi(\omega)}{\omega}\)
- \(\tau_p(\omega)\) is the phase delay
- \(\phi(\omega)\) is the phase response
- \(\omega\) is the angular frequency
Kaiser Window
\(w[n] = \frac{I_0(\beta\sqrt{1-((n-\alpha)/\alpha)^2})}{I_0(\beta)}\)
- \(w[n]\) is the window function value
- \(I_0\) is the modified Bessel function
- \(\beta\) is the shape parameter
- \(\alpha\) is \((N-1)/2\)
- \(N\) is the window length
- \(n\) is the sample index
Median Filter
\(y[n] = \text{median}\{x[n-M],...,x[n],...,x[n+M]\}\)
- \(y[n]\) is the filtered output
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(M\) is the half-width of the window
- \(n\) is the time index
Envelope Detection
\(e[n] = |x[n] + j\hat{x}[n]|\)
- \(e[n]\) is the envelope
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(\hat{x}[n]\) is the Hilbert transform
- \(n\) is the time index
Total Harmonic Distortion
\(THD = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{n=2}^{N} V_n^2}{V_1^2}}\)
- \(THD\) is the total harmonic distortion
- \(V_n\) is the voltage of the nth harmonic
- \(V_1\) is the voltage of the fundamental frequency
- \(N\) is the number of harmonics considered
Frequency Modulation
\(x[n] = A\cos(2\pi f_cn + \beta\sin(2\pi f_mn))\)
- \(x[n]\) is the FM signal
- \(A\) is the amplitude
- \(f_c\) is the carrier frequency
- \(f_m\) is the modulating frequency
- \(\beta\) is the modulation index
- \(n\) is the time index
Amplitude Modulation
\(x[n] = A_c(1 + \mu m[n])\cos(2\pi f_cn)\)
- \(x[n]\) is the AM signal
- \(A_c\) is the carrier amplitude
- \(\mu\) is the modulation index
- \(m[n]\) is the modulating signal
- \(f_c\) is the carrier frequency
- \(n\) is the time index
Complementary Filter
\(H_1(z) + H_2(z) = 1\)
- \(H_1(z)\) is the first filter transfer function
- \(H_2(z)\) is the second filter transfer function
- \(z\) is the complex frequency variable
Barker Code Correlation
\(R[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} b[n]b[n+k]\)
- \(R[k]\) is the autocorrelation function
- \(b[n]\) is the Barker sequence
- \(N\) is the sequence length
- \(k\) is the lag
- \(n\) is the time index
Notch Filter Transfer Function
\(H(z) = \frac{1 - 2\cos(\omega_0)z^{-1} + z^{-2}}{1 - 2r\cos(\omega_0)z^{-1} + r^2z^{-2}}\)
- \(H(z)\) is the transfer function
- \(\omega_0\) is the notch frequency
- \(r\) is the pole radius
- \(z\) is the complex frequency variable
Raised Cosine Filter
\(H(f) = \begin{cases} T, & |f| \leq \frac{1-\alpha}{2T} \\ \frac{T}{2}[1 + \cos(\frac{\pi T}{\alpha}(|f| - \frac{1-\alpha}{2T}))], & \frac{1-\alpha}{2T} \leq |f| \leq \frac{1+\alpha}{2T} \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\)
- \(H(f)\) is the frequency response
- \(T\) is the symbol period
- \(\alpha\) is the roll-off factor
- \(f\) is the frequency
Golay Complementary Sequences
\(G_A(z)G_A(z^{-1}) + G_B(z)G_B(z^{-1}) = 2N\)
- \(G_A(z)\) is the z-transform of the first sequence
- \(G_B(z)\) is the z-transform of the second sequence
- \(N\) is the sequence length
- \(z\) is the complex frequency variable
Walsh Transform
\(W[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n]wal(k,n)\)
- \(W[k]\) is the Walsh transform coefficient
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(wal(k,n)\) is the Walsh function
- \(N\) is the number of points
- \(k\) is the sequency index
- \(n\) is the time index
Normalized Cross-Correlation
\(\rho[m] = \frac{\sum_{n} (x[n]-\bar{x})(y[n+m]-\bar{y})}{\sqrt{\sum_{n} (x[n]-\bar{x})^2\sum_{n} (y[n]-\bar{y})^2}}\)
- \(\rho[m]\) is the normalized correlation
- \(x[n]\) and \(y[n]\) are the signals
- \(\bar{x}\) and \(\bar{y}\) are the means
- \(m\) is the lag
- \(n\) is the time index
Zadoff-Chu Sequence
\(x[n] = e^{-j\pi un(n+1)/N}\)
- \(x[n]\) is the sequence value
- \(u\) is the sequence root
- \(N\) is the sequence length
- \(n\) is the time index
Maximum Length Sequence
\(s[n] = s[n-p] \oplus s[n-q]\)
- \(s[n]\) is the sequence value
- \(p\) and \(q\) are the tap positions
- \(\oplus\) represents modulo-2 addition
- \(n\) is the time index
Equations 75-100
I'll continue with the next 25 equations, focusing on more specialized signal processing concepts and applications.
Multi-Channel Wiener Filter
\(\mathbf{W} = \mathbf{R}_{xx}^{-1}\mathbf{R}_{xy}\)
- \(\mathbf{W}\) is the filter coefficient matrix
- \(\mathbf{R}_{xx}\) is the input correlation matrix
- \(\mathbf{R}_{xy}\) is the cross-correlation matrix
Costas Loop Phase Error
\(e[n] = I[n]Q'[n] - I'[n]Q[n]\)
- \(e[n]\) is the phase error signal
- \(I[n]\) is the in-phase component
- \(Q[n]\) is the quadrature component
- \(I'[n]\) and \(Q'[n]\) are the derivatives
Discrete Hartley Transform
\(H[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n]cas(\frac{2\pi kn}{N})\)
- \(H[k]\) is the transform coefficient
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(cas(\theta) = \cos(\theta) + \sin(\theta)\)
- \(N\) is the transform length
- \(k\) is the frequency index
Exponential Moving Average
\(y[n] = \alpha x[n] + (1-\alpha)y[n-1]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the filtered output
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(\alpha\) is the smoothing factor
- \(n\) is the time index
Rician K-Factor
\(K = \frac{A^2}{2\sigma^2}\)
- \(K\) is the Rician K-factor
- \(A\) is the amplitude of the dominant signal
- \(\sigma^2\) is the variance of the multipath components
\(P_{xx}(f) = \frac{1}{N}|X(f)|^2\)
- \(P_{xx}(f)\) is the power spectral density
- \(X(f)\) is the Fourier transform
- \(N\) is the number of samples
- \(f\) is the frequency
Teager Energy Operator
\(\Psi[x[n]] = x^2[n] - x[n-1]x[n+1]\)
- \(\Psi[x[n]]\) is the Teager energy
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(n\) is the time index
Adaptive Line Enhancer
\(y[n] = \mathbf{w}^T[n]\mathbf{x}[n-\Delta]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the filter output
- \(\mathbf{w}[n]\) is the weight vector
- \(\mathbf{x}[n]\) is the input vector
- \(\Delta\) is the prediction delay
Modified DFT Filter Bank
\(H_k(z) = H(zW_M^k)\)
- \(H_k(z)\) is the kth bandpass filter
- \(H(z)\) is the prototype filter
- \(W_M = e^{-j2\pi/M}\) is the twiddle factor
- \(M\) is the number of channels
Constant Q Transform
\(X[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N_k-1} x[n]w[n]e^{-j2\pi Qn/N_k}\)
- \(X[k]\) is the transform coefficient
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(w[n]\) is the window function
- \(Q\) is the quality factor
- \(N_k\) is the window length for bin k
Short-Time Energy Function
\(E[n] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} (x[m]w[n-m])^2\)
- \(E[n]\) is the short-time energy
- \(x[m]\) is the input signal
- \(w[n]\) is the window function
- \(n\) is the frame index
- \(m\) is the time index
Zero-Crossing Rate
\(ZCR[n] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} |\text{sign}(x[m]) - \text{sign}(x[m-1])|w[n-m]\)
- \(ZCR[n]\) is the zero-crossing rate
- \(x[m]\) is the input signal
- \(w[n]\) is the window function
- \(\text{sign}()\) is the signum function
Linear Predictive Coding Error
\(e[n] = x[n] - \sum_{k=1}^{p} a_k x[n-k]\)
- \(e[n]\) is the prediction error
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(a_k\) are the LPC coefficients
- \(p\) is the prediction order
- \(k\) is the coefficient index
Mel-Frequency Scale
\(f_{mel} = 2595\log_{10}(1 + \frac{f}{700})\)
- \(f_{mel}\) is the frequency in mel scale
- \(f\) is the frequency in Hz
Bark Scale
\(z = 13\arctan(0.00076f) + 3.5\arctan((f/7500)^2)\)
- \(z\) is the frequency in Bark scale
- \(f\) is the frequency in Hz
Phase Vocoder
\(\phi_{out}[n] = \phi_{in}[n] + 2\pi f_{in}\frac{R_{out}}{R_{in}}\)
- \(\phi_{out}[n]\) is the output phase
- \(\phi_{in}[n]\) is the input phase
- \(f_{in}\) is the input frequency
- \(R_{out}\) is the output rate
- \(R_{in}\) is the input rate
Wavelet Packet Transform
\(W_{j,k,n}[m] = 2^{j/2}w_n(2^jm - k)\)
- \(W_{j,k,n}[m]\) is the wavelet packet basis
- \(w_n\) is the wavelet packet function
- \(j\) is the scale parameter
- \(k\) is the translation parameter
- \(n\) is the oscillation parameter
Preemphasis Filter
\(y[n] = x[n] - \alpha x[n-1]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the filtered output
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(\alpha\) is the preemphasis coefficient
- \(n\) is the time index
Modulation Transfer Function
\(MTF(f) = \frac{|H(f)|}{|H(0)|}\)
- \(MTF(f)\) is the modulation transfer function
- \(H(f)\) is the system transfer function
- \(f\) is the frequency
Karhunen-Loève Transform
\(\Phi_k = \sum_{n=1}^{N} v_k[n]x[n]\)
- \(\Phi_k\) is the KLT coefficient
- \(v_k[n]\) is the kth eigenvector
- \(x[n]\) is the input signal
- \(N\) is the signal length
Adaptive Spectral Enhancement
\(H(z) = \frac{1}{1 - \sum_{k=1}^{p} a_k z^{-k}}\)
- \(H(z)\) is the enhancement filter
- \(a_k\) are the prediction coefficients
- \(p\) is the filter order
- \(z\) is the complex frequency variable
Pitch Synchronous Overlap Add (PSOLA)
\(y[n] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} x[m]h[n-mT_0]\)
- \(y[n]\) is the modified signal
- \(x[m]\) is the input signal
- \(h[n]\) is the synthesis window
- \(T_0\) is the pitch period
- \(n\) is the time index
Harmonic Plus Noise Model
\(s[n] = h[n] + r[n]\)
- \(s[n]\) is the total signal
- \(h[n]\) is the harmonic component
- \(r[n]\) is the noise residual
- \(n\) is the time index
Goertzel Energy
\(E_k = x_1^2[N] + x_2^2[N] - 2\cos(2\pi k/N)x_1[N]x_2[N]\)
- \(E_k\) is the energy at frequency k
- \(x_1[N]\) and \(x_2[N]\) are Goertzel algorithm outputs
- \(N\) is the block length
- \(k\) is the frequency bin
Adaptive Noise Cancellation
\(e[n] = d[n] - \mathbf{w}^T[n]\mathbf{x}[n]\)
- \(e[n]\) is the error signal
- \(d[n]\) is the desired signal
- \(\mathbf{w}[n]\) is the filter coefficient vector
- \(\mathbf{x}[n]\) is the reference noise vector