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STEM Robot Personas

When you generate content, make sure you mention one of the personas that us this robot it a school.

Sample Persona Prompt

For the following STEM robot kit and website, generate a list of personas that might be
involved in using this robot in a classroom to teach computational thinking.  The lesson plans must be integrated into the schools curriculum and learning management system.

The STEM Robot is a low-cost but fun robot designed to teach kids the principles of computational thinking. It is built around the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontrollers and is programmed with MicroPython. It is designed to cost under $19. The base STEM robot has the following parts:

1. 2 6-volt DC hobby motors. 
2. 4 AA batteries in a battery pack. 
3. A "Smart Car" chassis. 
4. A Cytron Maker Pi RP2040 robotics board that includes motor drivers, 13 blue LEDs for GPIO status, 2 NeoPixels, a Piezo buzzer with mute switch, two customizable momentary buttons, 7 Grove connectors, 4 servo drivers, a power on switch, a power indicator LED. and LEDs and buttons to test the motor connections. 
5. A VL53L0X time-of-flight distance sensor that uses the I2C protocol to measure distance. 
6. A USB cable for programming the car. The robot is programmed with the Thonny Integrated Development for Python. Note that the RP2040 is a dual-core MicroController with 264K SRAM and 2MB flash memory.

The STEM Robot works with a website that stores lesson plans, sample programs and assessments.

Return the list in markdown format with each persona as a level 3 header.
Sort the list from the most frequent users of the 

ChatGPT Response

To effectively use the STEM Robot in a classroom setting to teach computational thinking, several personas would likely be involved, each with specific roles and responsibilities. Here's a list of potential personas:

Students (Learners)

  • Role: Primary users of the STEM Robot.
  • Responsibilities: Engaging with the robot to learn computational thinking, participating actively in problem-solving tasks, and collaborating with peers to design and program the robot.

Teacher (Computational Thinking/Computer Science)

  • Role: Facilitates the learning experiences involving the STEM Robot.
  • Responsibilities: Planning and delivering lessons that incorporate the robot, guiding students through programming exercises, and assessing students' progress in computational thinking.


  • Role: Non-school staff that are drawn from the community to help teach computer science concepts
  • Responsibilities: Subject matter experts on programming and hardware that help students reach their learning objectives.

Educational Technology Specialist

  • Role: Evaluates its educational value, and ensures it aligns with curriculum standards.
  • Responsibilities: Selecting suitable technology tools, training teachers, troubleshooting technical issues, and assessing the effectiveness of the robot in teaching computational principles.


  • Role: Supports learning outside of the classroom.
  • Responsibilities: Encouraging practice at home, understanding the educational value of the robot, and possibly assisting in troubleshooting or overseeing projects involving the robot.

Curriculum Developer

  • Role: Designs educational content and activities that utilize the robot to teach key concepts in computational thinking.
  • Responsibilities: Creating lesson plans, tutorials, and projects that make effective use of the robot's capabilities, ensuring a progressive learning curve, and aligning activities with educational standards.

School Administrator

  • Role: Supports and approves the integration of new technology like the STEM Robot into the educational offerings of the school.
  • Responsibilities: Allocating budget for technological tools, facilitating professional development for teachers, and ensuring the technology is used responsibly within the school environment.

Technical Support Staff

  • Role: Provides backend support for the maintenance and functionality of the robots.
  • Responsibilities: Regular maintenance checks, updating software as needed, and repairing any hardware issues to ensure the robots are always ready for classroom use. Ensures student can access the website and use a local learning management system.

Each of these personas plays a crucial role in the ecosystem around the STEM Robot, contributing to its goal of enhancing computational thinking skills among students.