import machine
import ssd1306
import config
from time import localtime
SCL=machine.Pin(config.SCL_PIN) # SPI CLock
SDA=machine.Pin(config.SDA_PIN) # SPI Data
RES = machine.Pin(config.RESET_PIN) # Reset
DC = machine.Pin(config.DC_PIN) # Data/command
CS = machine.Pin(config.CS_PIN) # Chip Select
spi=machine.SPI(config.SPI_BUS, sck=SCL, mosi=SDA, baudrate=100000)
oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_SPI(config.WIDTH, config.HEIGHT, spi, DC, RES, CS)
year = localtime()[0]
month = localtime()[1]
day = localtime()[2]
hour = localtime()[3]
minute = localtime()[4]
# display the time in hour and minute on the first line
oled.text(str(hour) + ":" + str(minute), 0, 0, 1)
# display the date on the second line
oled.text(str(month) + "/" + str(day) + "/" + str(year), 0, 10, 1)