# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Mike Causer <https://github.com/mcauser>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
MicroPython 74HC595 8-Bit Shift Register
from machine import Pin
# from sr74hc595 import SR74HC595_BITBANG
from sr74hc595 import SR74HC595_BITBANG
from utime import sleep
ser = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
rclk = Pin(0, Pin.OUT)
srclk = Pin(1, Pin.OUT)
# construct without optional pins
sr = SR74HC595_BITBANG(ser, srclk, rclk)
#sr.clear() # raises RuntimeError because you haven't provide srclr pin
#sr.enable() # raises RuntimeError because you haven't provide oe pin
# reconstruct with all pins
oe = Pin(3, Pin.OUT, value=0) # low enables output
srclr = Pin(3, Pin.OUT, value=1) # pulsing low clears data
sr = SR74HC595_BITBANG(ser, srclk, rclk, srclr, oe)
while True:
sr.bit(1) # send high bit, do not latch yet
sr.bit(0) # send low bit, do not latch yet
sr.latch() # latch outputs, outputs=0000_0010
sr.bit(1, 1) # send high bit and latch, outputs=0000_0101
sr.bit(0, 1) # send low bit and latch, outputs=0000_1010
sr.bits(0xFF, 4) # send 4 lowest bits of 0xff (sends 0x0f), outputs=1010_1111
sr.clear(0) # clear the memory but don't latch yet
sr.latch() # next latch shows the outputs have been reset
sr.bits(0b1010_1010, 8) # write some bits
sr.clear() # clear the memory and latch, outputs have been reset
sr.enable() # outputs enabled
sr.enable(0) # outputs disabled
sr.bits(0b1111_1111, 8) # write some bits
sr.clear() # clear the memory and latch, outputs have been reset
sr.enable() # outputs enabled
sr.enable(0) # outputs disabled
sr.bits(0b0000_0011, 8) # write some bits
sr.clear() # clear the memory and latch, outputs have been reset
sr.enable() # outputs enabled
sr.enable(0) # outputs disabled